
The Venn diagram for those who crave the biggest, most massive bro-dozer truck and those who care about the environment are 2 separate circles.  Do all these auto marketing groups not know this??

the NTSB has not yet been able to confirm the exact kinds of hazardous materials onboard the ship

There are still a lot of questions about the airplane that was blasted by dozens of lasers from festival-goers in Mexico

Alternate headline:

Are they going to retrofit all 6 of my Lambos with this new adhesive?  Or must I affix this totem all by my lonesome?

I took a cruise in Oct on a major cruise line and nary a soul asked about my current vax status, and no one on the boat suggested I get a vax shot while aboard.  Gotta believe all cruises are currently “vax-free”....unless....does he mean people with vaccinations are not permitted to sail?

And to hear them talk about screwing me over just to make a sale, I couldn’t believe it

Uh....since you cant exactly hide these in a parking garage.....couldn’t they simply have waited until it ran out of gas, then arrested/shot* the guy as he exits the vehicle?

Playing this like Trump suits the bridge gamers.

and you’re likely to save a few cents per gallon over using the pump-mixed mid-grade gasoline

Akin to riding along with a 16-year old, I’d guess. Ostensibly relaxing, since you’re not doing the steering and mirror checks, but due to the incredible likelihood of an unexpected move (or missed sign, or failure to brake), your alertness must actually be higher than when actually driving.

This is a breaking story

He also said that he had “been drinking” for at least three hours

I’m surprised that water-based motors are measured in horsepower, as they’re just average swimmers and probably couldn’t pull very much while paddling around.

We must continue to respond to this accident with humility and complete transparency

If I ever pulled shit like this I might as well take myself to the electric chair

Even without clipping the curb, there’s no way she’s completing that turn at that speed.  I hope the passengers sue the living shit out of the driver and her family and collect millions.  

Can someone tell me what the director of some podunk, regional airport is making north of a quarter a mill per year?  Is this common across America, or some weird quirk in Har’ken’sah?

Is that the normal size for a fireplace, or is that supersized?  Looks incredibly huge to me....

For me, the most striking is the Eclipse. In the 90's it was THE non-ridiculously priced sports car that my peers could own. Throw in the Spyder edition, and it was the shit.  Baw gahd it’s now just a generic CUV....sigh.