>>>>I feel like the ‘dragons are faster than ravens’ line was low-key meant to cover up some of the fast travel accusations from late-season GoT. Especially how quickly Dany flew north to save Jon beyond the wall.”
>>>”Not sure why the couldn’t have a had a quick shot of some ship’s crews seeing the killing or show the remains of Luke’s dragon being found on the beach.”
>>>>”True, but I doubt anyone in the Baratheon court sent a raven to anyone telling of the threats.”
Yeah, but they WOULD wash up somewhere.
Technically, that wasn’t so much ‘murder’ as it was The King’s Justice.
Technically, that wasn’t so much ‘murder’ as it was The King’s Justice.
>>>”Too much of this show is people who ostensibly ought to know better making the dumbest moves possible. A war is being fought for the Iron Throne and a major point of contention is your bastard sons one day sitting upon it, so you... send them off to secure allegiances... by themselves... completely unprotected...…
I mean,.....their grand-children (the trueborn legitimate ones - the grand-daughters) are tied to the Blacks, whether they like it or not, and as Rhaenys rightly point out to Corlys, based on that fact alone, their lives would be in danger from the Greens regardless of whether they (Rhaenys or Corlys) decided to stay…
They kind of did.
>>>>”Caraxes (Daemon) is obviously spoken for, but Seasmoke presents as a problem because Laenor is still alive and no dragon ever had more than one rider at a given time.”
>>>”But didn’t they use dragons to fight the Triarchy?”
The showrunner said in an interview that there’s not going to be any more recastings for time jumps from this point on (or from Season 2) until the show’s end.
>>>>”The first scene of season two should Aemond standing before Alicent, trying out the old “b-b-b-but we were just playing” excuse.”
It’s worth noting that he’s going to own this in Season 2.
They “kind of forgot”,... a lot of things in the original series.
That’s a different table.
I mean,.....there’s really only one “weird” table in GoT and it’s the one you see in the slide above, and the weirdness is from the fact that it’s shaped in the form of a map of Westeros - the continent on which this show is based - and has the names of each of the kingdoms and places carved into it.
Democrats are bad at bragging about their achievements (which they definitely SHOULD do).
>>>>”The deficit has been reduced by a record amount thanks mostly to the expiration of COVID spending measures. And yeah, it’s the sort of thing Republicans, if they were in charge, would already have plastered all over their media without bothering to tell you why it’s not as impressive as it sounds.”