GreyOne [This_one_was_called_Spr0ckets]

He’s not equipped.

I’m sorry, but this (what you’ve written here), is just bullshit.

Marry me!

You mean, just because she’s using the “other people say (insert horrible thing here),.....but not me” voice to say a horrible thing that she claims not to subscribe, so that she doesn’t have ownership of it herself (even though she’s the one bringing it up)?

No, actually a lot of people like the dude as well.

...or Blue man Group.

>>>>”Everyone commenting here will probably buy a ticket for opening weekend,”

Spaceships with aerodynamic features are like Superman (or superheroes in general) with muscles and a muscular physique.

Always get it in writing.

1) Water is LITERALLY the most abundant substance on the face of this planet (like it LITERALLY covers 75% of the Earth’s surface and constitutes upwards of 70% of all living creatures’ physiologies.

....and for our sanity.

Lupita Nyong’o plays Nakia.

“Don’t come. You will be turned back if you do”....is the truth.

I was just gonna say, “...well, he can’t”.... and then I realized you said “click”

For the 532,553,222,445th time....

...and not by accident, because to do so would mean acknowledging Palestine as a state, which would in turn mean acknowledging Israel as an occupying force - something they’ve categorically refused to do as a matter of state policy, because of what it would mean per the Geneva conventions and the treatment of peoples

“Our Neighbors” (her actual statement) could be anybody from Egyptians, to Jordanians, to Lebanese, to Syrians.

That’s because most of these shows are created and written by......wait.......(**checks notes**)....ah yes!..

The Artist formerly* known as Prince.

Stupid comparison since they’re hardly the same type of role or performances to compare against one another (Chadwick vs. Ledger).