I have every confidence that the studio will find some way and somehow to shoehorn in an American/European/Rando White character into the story in a major role in some way - regardless of whether it makes sense or not.
“I know, right?
He looks like Elf on the Shelf’s deadbeat dad, but who also happens to be a registered sex offender, and likes to wear an overcoat for no reason at all even during a blazing hot day.
Simple question:-
He got thrown into the sin bin for a couple of years, while his Solo movie percolated before eventually devolving into a Disney+ Show instead.
>>>>”Though I always found his “character” in them to be smarmy, sinister, and carrying the air of someone who dabbles in the occult.”
So it WASN’T an open relationship.
It helps when you know people like Batista.
To be fair to him, he was already starting to get ripped before that.
They’re both in the MCU now, so they’re good.
He’s doing commercials for insurance companies,.....I think......
Don’t forget that he was CLEARLY also a victim of racist profiling by the cops.
Bucky also has a vibranium arm.
21. His mama’s white.
She was herself in fact also accused of racism by a former high school classmate, which seemed to be corroborated by a few other former classmates of theirs. (That’s in fact how this whole thing started.)
>>>>”Unfortunately, we live in a society where a lot of white people are that ignorant because they’ve never had to confront the realities of racism. Out of sight, out of mind.”