GreyOne [This_one_was_called_Spr0ckets]

“No returns. No Refunds.

“No returns. No Refunds.

“No returns. No Refunds.

“No returns. No Refunds.

What’s your point?

And Bojo is 20 years younger than Trump.

He did, though.

>>>>”Regardless - why not do it? It is a common belief he is doing such things - so if Trump will why won’t Biden?”

‘Florida Man is SHOCKED to find he’s charged obscene prices for food after he goes for a meal to an establishment known...... for charging .........obscene prices....for food.’

“When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’”

To be fair, “Black Panther” has nothing to do with the race or T’Challa, and everything to do with the literal name of the animal, which is the black variant of the Panther (in reality it’s a reverse albino since they’re typically light-fur colored).

Holding it at nine (...and at a 3-6 disadvantage) means the Republicans get to do a lot of shit with that majority in that time being that makes the likelihood of you keeping control over the Senate or the presidency (let alone both) for 12 years highly unlikely, if not outright impossible.

Um....they can’t do that.

What “social distancing”?

He IS a racist, you stupid motherfucker!

So President Obama was not the first black president of America?

>>>>”Jonathan Isaac is a whole other story. He’s hiding behind the bible like bullshit Christians normally do. I am not sure if he is aware of it or not, but him not kneeling or wearing a BLM warm-up shirt has emboldened the Laura Ingrahams and Oakley Wearing Selfie in Truck White Guys to further chastise NBA players

It’s not just you Jews, especially given that “Semite” technically refers to pretty much anyone descended from the peoples of the South-west of the Middle-Eastern Peninsula (Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Jews, and yes, even Arabs)


This is all great and all, but I just want to let my black brothers and sisters in America know that, you guys do realize that there ARE more countries in Africa than just South Africa and Nigeria (or Nigeria and Ghana), right?