GreyOne [This_one_was_called_Spr0ckets]

You don’t need belief to know that Biden is more attractive to voters than Clinton was.

It’s actually a white woman.

Vote for Jill Stein (......again....), probably....

>>>>”Also, Bernie wanting to primary Obama was not because he wanted to stop a Black man from being president... They just obviously disagree on the fundamentals. Should Nina support Biden because he was Obama’s VP? Even though his record isn’t pro Black? (crime bill, Anita Hill, busing)“

She voted for Jill Stein in 2016 (as a ‘Fuck You!’ protest vote against the Democratic party), and proudly bragged about it.

Don’t forget her campaigning for AND VOTING for Jill Stein in her home state of Ohio where her third party protest vote (along with those of any people she managed to convince to vote like her) DID make a difference in helping put Trump in office - since that was one of the states were Trump’s margin of victory over

>>>>”Second, it’s an indictment of the system, not of him, that he hasn’t accomplished more.”

Eccleston said he’s never going to do another Marvel movie again.

“This media narrative of the “Bernie Bros” erases the fact that Bernie is essentially tied with Biden in terms of diversity....”

That’s like the white people comprehension of racism.

>>>>”Joe Rogan gives a platform to white supremacists/male supremacists/alt right.

It’s not true.

That’s literally what she said to him, almost word-for-word.

Actually, her exact words to him were :-

“last decade”

Transformers movies make a lot of money. (or used to).

But Episode 7 is just as awful in most respects as Episode 8 or 9 (Most notably in how it’s lazily derivative of the much superior original trilogy films).

No actually, it’s an objective view that those dolls look EXACTLY like how blackface figures in Minstrel shows used to be presented and drawn.

But aren’t they?

>>>>...”“You’ve had 37 Spider-Man movies and you’re not complaining!”