
I think this will be good news for Destiny and those of us who love it, largely because Bungie will no longer be restricted to an annualized schedule. Maybe instead of Destiny 3, Bungie will now be able to transform the game into a single SKU that’s updated regularly. That’s my ideal scenario.

Pride flag sprays, emotes, POTG intros, skins, and player image, voice lines, hardcore sex scenes.

‘Slave Bible’

You’ll forgive me if I don’t put the feelings of war criminals like George W. Bush at the top of my list.

Dredd is such a gem! :)

.... I kinda would rather have Bob.


Why does she have to defend herself for getting roles? The people who cast should be catching flack more than her. If she thinks the role is right for her and it helps develop her craft - why wouldn’t she take it?

Congrats. Do you want a prize?

Those prices are a BIG ask for something that’s quietly being touted as what will “save the game”. Not counting on it but I REALLY hope they put that thing on sale by shopping season this year.

Wait, are people NOT saying Beyonce is a genius? I am a dumpy middle-aged white dude, I am essentially an anthropomorphic pair of Dockers, and even I think Beyonce is a genius.

I actually thought last night’s episode was maybe the most straight-forward and easy to follow episodes in its run. I don’t know what could even be hard to follow or confusing.

You’re correct.

They were just pullin for their team.

I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem

My son designed it. He is six.

No, anonymous person on the internet I’ve never met, I could not care less if you get married or remain single or have friends at all. And I’ll comment on how I do not think you know what the words “ironic” or “reporter” mean.

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America