
Though Pennington is something of the Guy Fieri of home renovation shows” - What is with this random dig on Guy Fieri? He’s a really nice guy. 

Is the point of these reviews to be negative on every film? This isn’t a dig, I legit don’t know if these are supposed to be 60 seconds break downs or 60 seconds “everything sucks” videos. 


I live in Anaheim and I’ve visited quite a few times. I love just walking through Galaxy’s Edge. You guys sound like you had the absolute BEST time there. Thanks for sharing!

These are all butt ugly.

I dunno, I found myself getting super annoyed a lot last night. People keep going into the Healer queue only to try to damage enemies non-stop. In my 3rd placement match as tank I was only healed once by a healer. I had to heal myself as roadhog a bunch.

Overall it’s pretty nice though. I just wish people would focus

ArchWarhammer is indeed a dickhead. Fuck that guy.

As a Californian, I really hope this goes into effect. We have a long, shitty history to make up for. 

Punch Drunk Love is what sold me on him being a great actor.

This is a pretty interesting take! I’m happy to see a Medievalist write an analysis of GoT, since it is so heavily influenced by it.

In my final semester of getting my History degree I had to write a paper based around the Malleus Maleficarum. It’s an interesting insight into why the church began to view women, an

I lost it at the footage of Groot wrecking shit at the battle of Wakanda. 10/10, good article. 


This is great in theory, except that in today’s world if you even remotely attempt to tell anyone anything they blow up. 

As someone that got their degree in History, I very much appreciate a historian being center stage. 

Surprise: All workers are replaceable. Unionize!

Star for the hardcore sex scenes. 

Out of curiosity - How could Blizzard put characters sexual orientations into the game? I see a lot of comments calling for it. 

Did you bother to look up the rules that you state are “more likely than not, a rules violation?”

From the NFHS website for rules regarding wrestling: “SITUATION 17: Does braided hair that is non-abrasive need to be contained in a legal hair cover? RULING: If the hair in its natural state is longer than allowed by

I just finished Chapter 6. Really great game. I think it’s become my all time favorite. 

Dredd is such a good movie. I’ll admit I’m one of the people that didn’t see it in theaters. I feel like it wasn’t marketed all that well, because I only even remember seeing a single commercial for it.