
Maybe men should get better at that.

While it is in poor taste, what stands out most to me is that it’s literally not funny at all. Even if the guy wasn’t a suicide bomber this just...isn’t funny?

This is in incredibly poor taste and not funny.


“All attendees will receive a Certificate of Completion and Knowles reference booklet of industry definitions, contacts and additional useful information.

Step 1. Sire a talented daughter

I went to the Titanic exhibit in SF and touched the little piece of hull, saw the stacks of plates, saw the recreation of that staircase, and bought a White Star blanket. I’m not even into the Titanic. But damn! Plates that had been under the ocean in a shipwreck for decades!

See, and I agree with him about the apple pie without the apples: pie crust? yes! Cinnamon-y sugary sauce? Absolutely! Vile cooked apples that resemble and have the texture of slugs? No thank you.

I actually don’t like chocolate so I use my awesome chocolate chip cookie recipe and omit the chips. I know, I’m a monster.

Yeah, that vomiter is from Jersey.

Hey guys, there’s some hateful scum floating around in the greys. Do yourselves a gigantic, life-affirming favour and flag or dismiss that shit and move on. Life is way too short to spend time with attention-seeking turds.

Jesus Christ. Wishing peace and justice for you and your family, Kiesha...

All the skin around my fingernails. It’s just chewed up as fuck. I get those dry little peelies, and then I peel/pull at them subconsciously, and don’t realize what I’m doing till my fingers are all bloody. Eventually they scab over...but then I pick at the scabs, and it’s just a neverending cycle. BAH!

They aren’t closing.

It may seem silly to you, but it gives him the all-day confidence that he needs and deserves.

Oh I wouldn’t say that...


Oh man, I was just telling this story on another website this week ironically enough.

Fucking finally!!!!

WAY too good.