I’ve been staring at this for minutes
I’ve been staring at this for minutes
It’s so you know they’re big men in charge
I mean, nice story but half of that was self-exaltation.
She took money from him and was friends with him. I don’t think Anthony Bourdain did either of those things. Agreed that it’s wrong to assign blame to her.
I’m not really buying that. It’s still there whether it was “for the cameras” or not...he is still feeling this woman up talking about her tits, discussing their firmness, and how she should be showing cleavage.
bye motherfucker
foot on pillow gross
Fuck yes
He was acting like this publicly after he was MARRIED? WTF. Gross gross gross gross gross
what fucking troll planet is that a 6 on
She knew at the very minimum that he had been accused of and admitted to groping women. MINIMUM. If she were deaf, blind, and living in Nebraska, maybe she didn’t know about the rest.
He would have stopped it if he had ever saw it happen in public!
What a massive crock of shit
Omg you’re still kicking
Roast these pigs
Ah, yes. The parka is indeed a known seductress.
I mean, I “knew” and I’m just a regular person walking around the world hearing stuff. I really can’t believe anyone in Hollywood didn’t know.
a pet you don’t have to love
He will probably be elected President of the United States of America