
Todavía recuerdo cuando me dijiste que Wanda no iba a salir con ese traje en la serie XD

Just gonna throw this theory out here: Chopra’s Matrix 4 character is the grown-up version of Sati, the AI kid from Revolutions, who the Oracle seemed to be grooming as her successor.

Eh, ese chiste lo hice yo en un anterior articulo.


El Chuck Norris de los animales

Jim, do you have a cold, dark heart??

Season 2 was way better than season 1 and also way stranger. No way was it gonna survive this ordinary and boring world.

ESTO FUE EN UN BAÑO. Es el mismo motivo por el cual no hay cámaras de seguridad en los baños. No es solo cuestión de sentido común. En casi todos lados es ilegal.

Yo entiendo que no todo el mundo se ha leído tantos cómics ni conoce tanto a Misterio, que muchos de los que asumen que Misterio es un héroe probablemente no han leído un cómic en su vida. Pero lo que me pone de los nervios es que si hay gente, (incluida gente que escribe en medios profesionales como periódicos de

It’s not as whimsical as this seems to be, but Netflix’s Travelers is one of the most interesting and thematically (not to mention logically) consistent time-travel pieces I’ve ever heard of. It’s up there with Back to the Future in terms of how little you’ll be saying “Oh, more timey-wimey bullshit as deus ex machina 

I want to hang out with him because of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

La sociedad norteamericana va directo a eso.

Man, this game’s players make me really consider picking it up. It really looks like they’re doing what I had always wanted to see happen in the old Freelancer game.

She absolutely did. She warns of three specific specific things, one being a Time Vortex. Considering set photos and things out there already, I think that that is the most important thing mentioned in the mid-credits stinger.

Como ??? que nadie usa las tres conchas ???

I remember when the episode dropped that there were a bunch of people going “What the hell? I wanted an EPIC lightsaber fight!” and clearly missing the point. That was an epic lightsaber fight, straight out of a Kung Fu Master’s playbook.

I love how short it is. No flash, just obi-wan deciding he had to kill and that was it. It felt very samurai.

That scene really affected how I saw Vader in everything, even just re-watching the older movies. Instead of this bad-ass villain, after the Rebels scene I can really only see him as this horribly tragic, broken creature. Which was probably how the writers intended me to see him, tbh.

Dancing with Tai.