
Terrifying! But...what’s with the coconut?

Were this a picture book, I’d probably buy it. I love the construction of the environment, how everything appears to have been made out of felt and craft materials; it’s cute as hell.

Hey, the grays are not in any way just for trolls! There are a bajillion regular non-troll commenters who are still stuck down there for no good reason.

“Except we haven’t seen the movie yet, or even heard a real plot description as far as I know.”

How very.

So Christian Slater by way of Elijah Wood.

I had a hard enough time when they turned it into a musical (NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE A MUSICAL!!), but even that is much better than this. The fact that they even reference Martha Dumptruck in the description of one of the actors, defeats the whole purpose of this story. I say we just set the whole thing on fire now.

I am relieved that I’m not the only person who read this and thought, “Wait...what? NO!”

So in this version of Heathers, the Heathers are racially and sexually diverse and Veronica and JD are pretty straight white people who in most high schools would have an easier time being accepted by others? That’s...weird. I mean, I guess it wouldn’t work well the other way either, since Veronica and JD are evil.

Seriously. Like, the Heathers were the stereotypical Perfect Girls (tm) that everyone wanted to be and also hate ... so you could be happy that they were dead. I am kind of bummed that I’m supposed to be rooting for a white hetero couple to kill a black lesbian, a gender-queer guy, and a fat girl ...

SERIOUSLY. By making the movie’s outsiders the Mean Girls, they’re no longer outsiders, and it’s impossible to root for them because they’re the Mean Girls, so... we’re left with conventionally attractive, heteronormative, and socially adept people to root for? WAITAMINNIT.

...did I miss something? Who are Mathews, Scannell, and Field?

Did they have a brain tumor for breakfast?

I guess if someone’s already been sentenced to death for murdering their own kid, it seems superfluous to charge him with any attempted murders.

“Halloween is a horror and it shouldn’t be a horror,”

Dude. How can you be so matter-of-fact about that crazy shit? “Oh, yeah, these sentient will-o-wisps monitor me and my fam. No biggie.”

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

I might be a little late considering the 804 comments ahead of me but...

I was napping in our guest room one Monday morning when I woke up to hearing someone running up and down the stairs, and the swishing of track pants. ‘Give me five minutes Daniel,’ I said, assuming it was my son. Then I sat up with a start - it was Monday. My son was in school. The footsteps and swishing continued. I