Thank you for saying this. :)
Thank you for saying this. :)
Drinking is HUGE in Dubai. Huge. Check out any of the all-day Friday brunches in every single hotel out here (where one pays a price per head and drinks ‘til fall-down status). Gambling happens. Especially in the racing season. It’s not visible to the tourist ... but it happens. Strip clubs? You’re right: none of…
It *is* a huge destination for people from neighbouring countries in the Gulf, yes. Even Sharjah (which is next-door to Dubai) attracts a lot of people to the malls/hotels, because Sharjah has a (very) strict no-alcohol policy. Even driving through the emirate with a boot (trunk?) full of booze from the ‘black market’…
I’m sorry. I scrolled through the posts to see if anyone had pointed it out and didn’t see any. Thanks for replying.
I have them shipped to me from the Old Country at great cost because nothing beats them. Pro-tip: smoosh VC with butter, freeze, and have ‘on hand’ to slice into wedges in order to place said wedges onto pancakes with syrup and banana chunks. Heaven.
Violet Crumbles are Australian. Always have been; always will be. Get it right.
Cheers. A cursory google didn't reveal much in the way of 'standard' pricing - and it very much depends on the state and the store - so that's interesting to learn. Sometimes we can pay up to $15/lb. Depends on availability. Thanks again.
Apropos of 'food spending' ... quick question. How much do US residents pay for a pound packet of Oscar Meyer low-sodium bacon?
Chortle. Most interesting thing about that onesie pic is that it's sparkling aka clean as all get-out. Well done you. Even when I'm in the Members' I get grubby at the cricket! ;-)
A kangaroo onesie. Oh my word. Well done you. Feel free to share it on the page. ;-)
Absolutely the yanks got it wrong in the KFC scenario. And your first paragraph? Could have written it myself. American linguistic imperialism, another poster called it earlier. Couldn't agree more.
Thanks for that.
Well, I run a cricket fan page and from the close-to 180,000 fans thereon, people were united: the KFC thing was vastly overblown. And you can imagine how difficult THAT was to achieve, given that a third of those fans hail from the sub-continent [close to 60,000 from India/Pakistan/SL/Bangles] with the rest…
I *KNOW*!!!
I swear: totally wasn't a thing when I was a kid. I mean ... I'm approaching 50 now so life wasn't as 'informed' as it is now, what with the interwebby and social meeja and all that ... and while I *still* think this Coon thing is a bit straw-clutchy in terms of racist intent, if the word is being used pejoratively/to…
Oh GOD yes.
I didn't even know it was a racial slur — because it isn't in Australia — until I was a teenager. After years of enjoying Coon cheese on vita-weats, on toast and darn it all, just sliced as a snack ... I suddenly discovered that I was a racist and that I'm going to hell. Thanks, America.
Sorry, but I get so sick of other countries applying their racist rules of thumb to things outside their borders, and which should be beyond their purview. I'm well aware that 'coon' is a pejorative term in the US, but the cheese is named for Edward Coon and that is all. And it's delicious.