
Time for new glasses.

Where not sold by your dealer ...

Wow. I don't blame you. That's really sad though. Where's the trust?!

PS. We didn't 'graduate' by the way. In Australia, the only graduation one has is the one following receiving a degree at university. No such thing as graduating from school ... of course, that may have changed in the almost-30 years since I was there, but it just wasn't a thing. We had an end-of-year

Ohh ... sorry [showing my lack of knowledge here]. In Australia, the end-of-year-formal/dance/'prom' was always held after our final exams, so effectively, we'd left school already. I ought to have done more research re the timing of the US proms [sorry]. Same thing with our 'junior' formals/proms; they were held

Makes one wonder what *other* combos can be found via a search engine.

I went to an Episcopalian single-sex private school and we didn't have dress checks for our proms/formals either! Even for the one held when we were 16. Parents chaperoned the one when we were 16 [we didn't have any chaperons for the final year dance] but no way would they have done a dress check [I finished school in

Wow! A senior prom? Like ... one held after you've finished school? I'm stunned.

.. Or the title for your band's 'Difficult Second Album'. ;)

It's Holly Hobbie! When I was six, I would have killed for this dress. *Grins*

Don't people get things made anymore?

Sorry, can't help myself: Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!

What the fuck is an 'accountability group'?

Ohhhh okay! My mis-reading. Thanks for clarifying. Cheers.

Um ... no. But I've been made to feel a bit silly in the past because my particular experience in a school environment [apparently] wasn't as valid as the lion's share of people who attended co-ed/state schools. I never said anyone was stupid. :(

*Clinks glass* Cheers for that. I appreciate it. :)

Fair do's! Thanks for clarifying. :)

PS. I didn't mean you, of course [in terms of the apologising!]. Not at all. Just that sometimes when I've said 'I attended a single-sex school' the first riposte has tended to be: "Well, what would *you* know then, and how is your experience even remotely like the majority of people?!"

*Hangs head* It wouldn't be the first time I felt I had to apologise for not going to a co-ed school. I've learned that some in this parish find such schools elitist and as a result, put me on an island insofar as 'normal' school experiences are concerned. That's all. :)