
I went to a school which really leaned on parents to be joiners, to volunteer for fairs and fetes and tuck shop duty and all that. But it wasn't because they were needed or anything; I'm sure all these things were simply so the parents could network.

Ha ha! Welcome to the world in which I live: Dubai.


That's gold, that is.

She does indeed. Sadly, she does have to deal with more than a few male control freaks in the course of her work — and on top of that, keep her bipolar issues at bay — but nothing stops her. And she's more likely to look like she just might have a big cry, but then she straightens her face, picks herself up by her

All true.

Noooo. No piece. No donut. No sock.

Claire Danes is the mistress of crinkle face in 'Homeland', yes. She doesn't always erupt, spewing tears that would give English weather a run for its money, but she does Make The Face at the drop of a hat. Maybe that's why she still gets things done. She makes bad bad decisions a LOT ... but she still gets things

Scared the hell out of me when I first saw him in whatever Law & Order thing he had a role. All grown up and not asking for a hall pass. Man, I felt old. :-(

Heartthrob for mom's what?

.. But then she brightens, her doe-brown eyes sparkling when she remembers her multi-million-dollar sponsorship deal with 'Splurge & Purge', the ana corporation which made her what she is today. What's a Dorito between friends?

Eyethangyew. I'm doing the same. :-)

"You set my teeth on edge
You set my teeth on edge
You think you're a vegetable
Never come out of the fridge!"

Word. The Doors oeuvre? Sensational.

Girl seriously needs some La Prarie. Or something. Her eye bags are ruched.

Heh! The first ring or the second ring? Whatever. Both kinda sucked.

I'm still in heart with that whopping canary diamond cocktail ring that Richard gave Samantha in SATC [so when she flipped him off, he'd have something pretty to look at]. Drool. I would have kept it though. ;-)

Agree! And what is the FUCKING deal with these journos who always always always spend a paragraph or so describing starlet + her food? Starlet curls her lip at food. Starlet toys with food. Starlet hates her food. Starlet plays with her food. Starlet tucks into a hamburger and fries [call the cops!]. Starlet nibbles

Nothing wrong with that. I'm the same. :-)

Because Rebecca Romijin is over 40 which makes her old enough to have given birth to most of her fellow X-Men cast members? In Hollywood anyway. ;-)