
Ted Lasso charmed audiences, critics, and Emmy voters with its near perfect second season...”
Yes it won a bunch of Emmys, but I would say the season was far from perfect. Just look at the reviews on this very site for season 2!

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past, as we finally watch Kevin fuck himself.

I’m not sure “We also now know the criminal mastermind isn’t Nina or Howard” is exactly right. Sure Kreps is likely the guy who followed Lucy. But that doesn’t mean he’s behind everything. What’s his motive? You even point out he might have a rich employer.

I’m watching this show for the first time. And I’m coming to this ten-year-old review to say: How could anyone think Elisa Cuthbert was a man, thick voice or not, with everything else she has going on?

Realize I’m a few days late, but I agree with Myles that the way this episode discussed their promotion possibilities is frustrating.

[Tentatively enters room]

Is it just me or did Nate dye his hair gray so that he’d look older and be more respected?

Great catch. I hadn’t noticed it. At Christmas they were 4-4-14. So since then that’s 17-2-2! That would be a record pace over the course of a 46-game season.

How right you were Clancy

Hi Myles,

At face value good news, since I’m really enjoying this season so far. However, I do worry if this means the case won’t be fully resolved at the end of this season. Hopefully there’s some good resolution and it’s not just a cliff hanger. (Like how the Flight Attendant did a good job resolving season 1's arc while

Yeah I guess I would take at least a few episodes of Holt’s demotion that we got then over basically no real effect of Jake being suspended that we got here. Especially since it would seem like the show’s aiming for Jake to quit the force to a) become a stay-at-home dad and/or b) join Rosa as a private investigator, I

Anobody else a bit disappointed they completely glossed over Jake's five month suspension? Sure he briefly mentioned he was bored and needed human interaction. And then later Holt had that line about Jake learning not to make his police work into a movie. But it just felt like after the "serious" consequences of last

Hi Myles, just want to say I completely agree with you. The words concerningly” and “worrisome” are spot on. Sure this episode was enjoyable at face value, but the complete lack of reference to the Dubai Air fiasco was a bit of a shock to me. I really do hope they come back to this at some point. Otherwise it appears

I was fine with this episode, though a little disappointed there was no immediate follow up to the Dubai airlines situation. UNTIL they had a super corny CGI Santa fly across the sky. That made me eye roll like Liz Lemon. 

Kinda ironic watching this episode 10 years later in 2021. Somehow I don’t think Ted, Wendy the (former) Waitress, and Meeker are going to Hong Kong this year--even if they were all vaccinated. 

First, I really appreciate you (Myles) writing these reviews at the time you watched each episode so that they’re not ahead.

Thanks for the response Myles. Only just seeing this now. But your argument does make sense. Not to overthink it, but I’m sure as a middle aged black woman working with young male athletes, Dr. Sharon often does need to be assertive when dealing with potentially toxic locker rooms who might dismiss her. But as you

I get that they’re setting up Dr. Fieldstone to be a bit of an antagonist to Ted (for all the eloquent reasons Myles said). But I thought she came across as too much of an asshole to Ted here. Specifially the “I’m twice as good a therapist as you are a coach” line (paraphrasing) and then not acknowledging him at all

As of the time of publication, Bravo hasn’t released an official statement on whether Erales will get to remain this season’s Top Chef winner despite the allegations."