Der Sportwagoner

The good news is that my arms are gonna get so ripped!

I had to sell a lot of other stuff... :)

Agreed that the camera angle is tricking the eye a bit. However, the car is listed as 57" high which is only 3 inches shorter than the woman. Like I estimated, her eyes are about the same height as the top of the windshield which says as much about her shortness as the car’s tallness.

5'0" is actually short. The producers of this promo should have selected a taller spokesmodel if they didn’t want her to appear small in the car. In this still image it looks like, while standing, her eyes are scarcely higher than the top of the windshield...of a supposedly sporty two door car!

Interesting. I just bought a Nikon version of that lens, 200-400 f/4. Friggin monster. The carry case for the lens alone is bigger than my usual sling camera bag.

At first I misread the headline as Piraña on a Flying Drone and was much more interested...

Sure, because the first thing a newly sentient computer system with malicious intent won’t do is disable the off switch.

Well, you forced me to use the Googles for myself. Turns out that your compelling 5 Minutes on YouTube statistical methodology is not backed up by the Insurance Information Institute:…

I’m talking about crashing while riding, not tipping over. Saying that a heavy bike is harder to stop which proves that it statistically crashes more makes as much sense as saying that lighter sportbike goes faster so it must crash more.

Are you saying there’s a direct relationship between the weight of a bike and the chance of crashing it? Never heard this.

No matter what size your bike is, maybe don’t wipe out in a ditch?

Nice red truck you have! Say, what’s the license plate number? Just curious...

All the stars, sir. The most beautiful concept car evar.

Agreed. I thought the whole video was pointless. Who goes to a sequel/prequel without wanting to see anything familiar? He represents it like its lazy but its logical. Sure, it could be a crutch or feel hollow if the film sucks, but that would be problem of shitty film making, not interwhatever.

Holey crap, I need this song to be my personal theme music for when I walk into a room.

I expect to get there with my GT wagon....about 10 years from now :)

What, you don’t want to pay twice as much for a similar Audi offering?? :)

Mine is stock. This is my third Subaru with a combined 200+k miles and no repairs which weren't routine. Now, ask me about my 10 years of VW ownership...

When I was desperately trying to figure out where the rental car return was in Tokyo, after circling and zigzagging around the neighborhood for well over an hour without success, I found a couple of mailmen on a break. Thank Buddha, one of them knew a little English and understood that I was trying to find a rental