Der Sportwagoner

Hosting where? We’re not even here.

Yep, so no need to come here at all.


You’d refuse to get paid to subject yourself to such a pedantic, childish, timewasting sludge environment, but you’ll do it for free and make them money with your pageviews? Ok.

That’s a funny comment to make as you peruse their sites. If you’re too good for Gawker, then...

Don’t take no guff. That’s a damn good song.

Torch, this shit is great as always. Question, how was the ayahuasca? Also, you’ve kinda fixed the pumpkin fuckng math but kinda not. One day or one hour per 20 minutes of gourd love? It’s unclear. Finally, 1974 was the very end of the Nixon administration. I’m not saying, I’m just saying. But the gist was clear.

LOL, it’s only for a second. You couldn’t do it for very long, that’s for sure.

I ride a Shadow and I lift my ass off the seat when hitting bumps all the time.

To go along with your chair visualization. that rapid bump-bump scenario wouldn’t be comfortable in any chair, including one like this.

I’ve never understood this complaint. A cruiser presents the most relaxed rising position I can think of. It mimics how people sit in an armchair. By contrast, legs tucked under you, leaning forward on your arms and pressing your balls into the seat: that’s the recipe for discomfort. To each their own, I don’t care or

Obviously they aren’t friends.

Especially if, like me, you misread the headline to say 1,000 ft slide... :(

It’s difficult to get people upset about white guys using pejoratives against other white guys. Like redneck in the USA.

Was wondering the same Municipalities have got to require removal of most of the tire marks, especially the ones left on decorative areas (not plain asphalt) or covering pedestrian markings. Power wash, I’m guessing? I’ve never tried to deal with burnt rubber removal...


Also, it’s like a million and two degrees outside there. More incentive to never be on the streets.

Don’t forget...

Yep, if I had FU Money this would be my ridiculous ride of choice.

In other words,