Der Sportwagoner

We had a similar thought but I went with Bomberang.


Unslam it and you have a deal.

You write “descent into” as if I’m not already there, Torch...

No, you have to hide your toys to get laid. Or go to her house instead. Getting her agreement for the date didn’t take place in your living room, but her decision about whether or not to follow you into the bedroom does.

Don’t let him get married. Thus, there will be no widow. End of the Widowmaker.

Does it fucking matter if those assholes know the reason? It’s a family with a kid who have asked to get off the the fucking plane. Just don’t be a fucking asshole and mock them with applause. Is this so fucking hard?

Right, because the people commenting here genuinely want the airplane clappers to die for their dickish ways. Genuinely.

I stopped reading your comment after 10 words.

I’m playing a drinking game where every time I read another comment of yours defending the assholes on that plane I take a shot. I’m getting a good buzz going already...

Your last sentence is like so meta.

Trim package alright. Check out the dude in the background mackin’ with his sporty ride.

Young SS was an awesome rapper.

I learned to drive on this exact car, white and all. Did some stupid fun stuff in that car. My memories may be worth 10 grand to me, but this car ain’t. CP.

Hooker Red seems like a logical color option to me. Especially in Eastern Europe...

Uber is essentially hitchhiking. If you wouldn't dream of hitchhiking , then...

Thanks for qualifying your original comment with “maybe just maybe”. Ignoring the fact that your original comment suggested this would be possible on Earth (at least I was assuming your reference to clear, moonless nights was about Earth?), adding “maybe” helps. I mean, I still don’t think its true, but...

First of all, its just a movie. Nobody really cares. And B) there wouldn’t enough starlight to film a scene although I guess you could have a lightsaber fight because the sabers emit a good amount of light. Rewatch that scene and seriously try to tell me that the audience is supposed to believe that residual starlight

As an S2000 owner, can a brother get a deal on some synthetic 10w-30?

As an S2000 owner, can a brother get a deal on some synthetic 10w-30?

Michael, haven’t you noticed that F”T”H is a bag of tools?