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“prevent transgender citizens from using the appropriate bathroom” ??? And what makes you so sure you know what the appropriate bathroom is? Penises this way, vaginas that way. I don’t understand what is hard about that. That seems more than appropriate. Why do you want to make 99.9% of the population uncomfortable

Fuck this guy

How the fuck is saying all lives matter, racist? I am a fan of deapspin for the most part and have been for years. But you guys are the first ones to jump aboard the race-baiting train. He had a genuine messagemessage saying we are all brothers and sisters and was saying all lives matter as a way of unifying his

So.....internet trolls. What a novel concept. Question- have you seen the comments section in the gawker owned sites? Trolling is practically promoted by gawker.

LOL your description of the events. No bias there, right Greg? There were many factors that led to the the unfortunate shooting but they were all happenstance and it was just an unfortunate turn of events. Don’t the race-baiters ever get tired? By no means do I think tamir deserved what he got but I can understand the

Dude, get over yourself. What the fuck are you even talking about. Find something better to do with your time dick bag. In short, eat shit.

Dude he had arm issues from early in his career and lost velocity off his pitches at a young age. He was traded exactly one time in his career. His career tailed off as his control kept getting worse. So as a Sports Fan, I would say you know precisely dick and should probably just keep your uninformed opinion about a