Unless the last Eastern section of Highway 1 has been tarmacced, you also need to think about the type of rental plan you get too as the basic ones won’t cover you for driving on gravel roads due to the risk of underbody damage.
Unless the last Eastern section of Highway 1 has been tarmacced, you also need to think about the type of rental plan you get too as the basic ones won’t cover you for driving on gravel roads due to the risk of underbody damage.
Does anybody else hear this song when they look at that photo?
There’s another design factor in the mix; as far as I can tell, there is no indication to the pilots that the MCAS system has activated. All the pilots see is that the manual trim wheel (a backup in case the electric trim system fails) starts whirling wildly but there’s no way for them to know if it’s MCAS or an…
How do you make it through Harvard and NYU without ever reading A Tale of Two Cities?
Just discovered this guy as well- https://www.pornhub.com/model/no-sauce/videos
I can confirm this.
At one point, Sarah Louise proposes in all seriousness that their groundbreaking pornographic masterpiece, the one intended to be an “alternative to mainstream porn,” feature the scenario of... a mailman... delivering a package... to a housewife.
...except for Terminator 2 and we all know the backstory to that film.
He literally is too busy with blue aliens, he had to farm the cyborg girl out to Robert Rodriguez.
This is my fave theory about it- https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/94n3sd/evidence_qanon_has_changed_hands_multiple_times/
As best I understand it from the safety notice that was put out, the only way to disable MCAS is to completely disable the electric trim system. There doesn’t seem to be anything in the cockpit to alert the pilots that MCAS is active apart from the manual trim control wheels whirling round- https://www.satcom.guru/2018…
The bonus for me was that she’s playing both the castle and Howl himself.
After watching the CAH hole-a-thon, this game actually feels like something CAH themselves would do, lol.
Supposedly he said “Subscribe to PewDiePie!” before he started shooting but, since that’s the biggest meme on yt right now, I suspect it was it was more about the memeing than the meme itself.
If that hasn’t worked, go look up Lil Pump’s Gucci Gang on YouTube but don’t play the vid, just read the comments. There’s some devastating roasts in there.
My guess is that it’s a one make series.
If anybody wants something to cheer them up, I invite them to witness the absurdity that is a japanese virtual tuber rapping about cheese biscuits (subtitles available) -
You can watch it developing with the same pretty graphics as the article gif here- https://earth.nullschool.net/
The solution was to pretend he was a “kicker/punter” and photoshop his face onto a real kicker for application photos: