Ah, LOX has a knack of igniting fairly mundane things at room temperature. It’d be interesting to see what the fuel source turned out to be.
Ah, LOX has a knack of igniting fairly mundane things at room temperature. It’d be interesting to see what the fuel source turned out to be.
My guess is that the same size eruption coming out of Antarctica would be less serious than one coming out of Yellowstone because the ash and SO2 would tend to be confined to the south pole by the circumpolar jet stream so more of it would settle/rain out of the atmosphere before reaching major agricultural regions.…
The Democrats cannot reach these people, and should stop trying.
There actually are some alt-right content producers already distancing themselves from Richard Spencer. I presume they sense that his credibility is failing and that he’s damaged goods, like how certain youtubers have started criticising it now that the alt-right train is running out of steam and they want to get off.
In Europe, the emissions regs for bikes are the same as cars but they lag behind by about a decade which is why they’re only just getting onto EURO 4 now. I think they’re looser for low capacity bikes as 500cc+ bikes started growing catalytic converters years before they worked their way down the engine range.
I read that she’d changed her twitter avatar (or some other social media thing like that) to the pic of her flipping off the Trumpcade and that this somehow tenuously violated company policy about not bringing the company into disrepute on socmedia.
Why the fuck do people always go straight back to slavery when there’s a white vs. black argument? Everybody just skips over the Disenfranchisement and Jim Crow era(s) that kept black Americans from improving their own social status when the USA still had good social mobility.
These things are supposed to be more comfortable in hot weather- http://www.motoport.com/product/gp-1-stretch-suit/
There are some morons who declare Natives have no claim to the land because they immigrated, too
Fucking mandatory training courses is what the USA needs. I’ve read too many stories of people just jumping onto a 500cc+ bike and zooming across the road into a tree or running into something because they never learnt to use the front brake properly. In the UK you have to do a 1-day training course (CBT), the morning…
This article inspired an Engineering Explained vid-
This caught my eye in the sidebar to that article. The headline is somewhat less charitable than this article’s, lol
To add to BlurpleToyotaDishwasher; the state pension age is slowly being cranked up (it’s currently 65 and will be 68 when I retire) and will probably be scrapped entirely at some point in the distant future.
Me too, that’s why I’ve had a very slight oil leak for about 4 years XD
Ouch, I read about that happening to somebody riding home from a service because the mechanic hadn’t tightened the sump plug properly.
Obama did little because he didn’t want to risk drawing China and possibly Russia into a conflict. China were happy to have the Norks keeping everybody else busy. Trump has decided* to take the high risk approach to dealing with the Norks for whatever reason, perhaps he thinks war is cool and good as long as he…
*raises hand*
Star if you saw the first pic and thought ‘speedbumps’ or ‘speed humps’ as they are called in the USA.
I do wonder if the GOP is doing this because they think their base is educationally subnormal and will be cheering them on as they stick it to the nerds.
I used to read exile.ru (mostly for the pranks like the Buns McGillycuddy one) and, given that one of the columns was the writer reviewing prostitutes, I’m not surprised they turned out to be actual misogynists/sexual harassers/etc.