Look out! You’re surrounded!!
Look out! You’re surrounded!!
I have two kids under the age of 10. Prior to using Eneloops, batteries were a constant source of frustration. Since switching to them, the only time we really think about batteries is when we don’t have enough. They’ve got great usage life, and hold their charge well even after subsequent recharges.
I have two kids under the age of 10. Prior to using Eneloops, batteries were a constant source of frustration. Since…
Sunrise works a bit differently than that, it it doesn’t “integrate” the calendars into Gcal. Events are pulled from the individual services and integrated into the view on the app only.
When I look at my calendar on Sunrise, I see all of my events in one spot from Facebook, EventBrite, Linked-In, 4Square, etc AND Google Calendar. So, to answer your question, not everyone uses Google Calendar for every event.
Your experiences are due to you having a shitty mechanic looking to rip you off. I lived in Philly for 23 years, and NEVER had a mechanic tell me “you need X to pass inspection”, except for the one year I needed new tires (but, I knew that going into it). Of course, that’s because once I had a good mechanic who wasn’t…
This is NEW? I don’t think so. I’ve been screaming at my phone for two years ever since I got my Chromecast (the only way I typically watch YouTube). It does this EVERY time. Worse, I’ll swipe away the video, and it’ll just pick some random other video to start playing. Maybe they’re just now adding the feature to…
Owning and renovating a house that was over 100 years old, I finally learned how to respond to “they just don’t build them like they used to”.
Get Tasker, create profile for “Phone Unlocked”, launch app.
Yeah, sorry, no. As someone who has worked professionally and personally with Linux ever since before there was a postive integer to the left of the decimal point in the version number, I’ve been hearing these claims for over 20 years, and they’re still not valid. Over the last 30 years, I’ve administered machines…
Search for “google filter bubble” (don’t search on Google, of course). Google has whatever biases the person initiating the search does.
Quite alright, I apologize as well. I didn’t realize my experiences were limited, either. I’m glad to hear there are some peds out there doing it, though!
“What the hell was the point of this article?”
It wasn’t until Dr. Abgar came along that doctors even paid any attention to children during childbirth. All focus was on the mother, and ensuring she was ok. The children were a secondary concern, if one at all.
“I guess I’m just mean.”
They have oral numbing options, too, that don’t involve shots. Last time I needed some fillings done, I got topical applied and didn’t even need a shot.
No, they look nothing like the Prosti-tots line.
No thanks, it’s the 21st century. We can’t wait for everyone else to catch up.
Powerful, excepting its inability to properly render email sent from all clients.
Try reading it on something besides Mutt in a terminal.