Have to agree, I absolutely despise how I need to have so many apps that used to be done by just one. In fact, it's the main reason I've moved away from using Drive.
Have to agree, I absolutely despise how I need to have so many apps that used to be done by just one. In fact, it's the main reason I've moved away from using Drive.
Adults often have responsibilities that require them to sacrifice some time that would normally be spent on other things. For example, a married couple, both working full-time jobs and in the possession of a couple of small children rarely have enough time in their day to care about how well-made their sustenance is…
Mugs and microwaves are plentiful in an office environment?
There's "disagrees with" and "simply factually not true by any stretch of the imagination", which would account for most of the political screeds others would post on Facebook. Granted, their living in their bubbles accounts for the reason they believe what they do, but I don't want to hear what they have to say…
From my own experience, I agree OneNote is a bit easier to use and makes more sense. For me, though, the "killer app" of Evernote is ubiquity of input. If it were me entering everything manually into my note-taking tool, then I'd be on OneNote, but I actually only do a small portion of that entry.
I'll be the dissenting voice and agree with you. Apparently, all of those bitching at you completely skipped the beginning of the article where it describes the overwhelming, irrational and involuntary response these meetings can generate in some people. Frankly, your response is the only reasonable one I've read in…
I guess my question is: why are you sharing pizza with anyone for any reason? If they weren't smart enough to order or make their own, that's their own stupid fault. Moochers.
70% of Americans find it quite easy to believe in an invisible man in the sky that both puts foreskins of men and requires them to be cut off. So? What do the number of people have to do with anything? I'll repeat: when someone suffers from an IRRATIONAL fear that they know is IRRATIONAL, RATIONAL arguments are…
"It's really easy not to be afraid of flying."
This was the strategy my ex & I used when we had a Sam's Club membership (long since stopped buying them as Amazon Prime's working out much better). We'd tour the store for samples (hors-d'oeuvres), then hit the snack bar for the hot dog combo. $6, and we both had a huge meal that kept us from over-shopping.
Even if we ignore your racist vitriol, you're still wrong. According to the DOJ, blacks commit about 28% of murders, and according to the census make up 14% of the population. But, hey, why let facts stand in the way of your ignorant spittle-flinging?
As to the stats: yes, the DOJ stats show a remarkable disparity in the number of blacks arrested and sentenced each year compared to the number of whites. That, however, is not proof of blacks committing more crimes, it's merely proof that they're arrested more and sentenced more. An actual thorough analysis of the…
"but religion is complicated and encompasses many parts of people's lives making it difficult to just say"
No, it kind of does. Just as whites can never fully grok what it means to be a black person, non-parents have no idea at all what it means to be a parent. Nothing in your life experience, not even the fact that you were once a child, can prepare you for that. I did all the research on parenting before, during and…
"You guys"? You mean people capable of thinking? What's the anecdata? That those police I know best are racists? I never extrapolated that to mean all cops were racists, that's something you did because you feel guilty for your behavior. I was merely pointing out that there are racist cops out there, because too…
"Over the past two weeks, I've seen good white people congratulate themselves for deleting racist friends or debating family members or performing small acts of kindness to Black people. Sometimes I think I'd prefer racist trolling to this grade of self-aggrandizement."
I've been running Launcher 8 (this one, there's a few on the market, but this one's consistently been great on my phones and tablet) for a year or so now. After the initial "What the hell kind of phone is THAT??" (I have a OnePlus One, which everyone mistakes for an iPhone 6, and then I unlock and it's running…
"this article doesn't list any source to show that those diets aren't beneficial"
Sorry, my bad. I was thinking you were suggesting lower-priced controller boards. That's what I get for reading and being on a con call.
Or, you can just grab an Arduino Nano off eBay for about $2. :)