
Funny, it was constantly yelling at my wife's Republican, white-bread, redneck siblings that caused me to limit my friends on FB, too. What's the rule? "You can only really manage about 150 relationships at one time"? So, I limit access to my FB to 150 people. Hey, they're not immortal, a spot might open up any

Then, you tell them "Sorry, I don't just friend every warm body I meet on Facebook. At a minimum, I have a requirement that you have to have been to my house or share my DNA (and even the latter isn't a guarantee). My Facebook account is my private, backyard-BBQ, and just because we work together or have breathed

What do you keep on there that takes up so much space? I usually clear my pictures off once a month or so, just to make sure they're backed up, but that's typically the biggest space waster. I don't keep a lot of music on the phone, so maybe that's it. Just a few dozen playlists synced from Google Music.

Why's that? I've never owned an Android with more than 16G of space, and that's been significantly more than I've ever needed. Does ChromeOS take up a lot of space?

Well, for one, I'd have to decide if there's a racial component to the issue beyond simply "member of group X does something that affects group Y" to call it racist. From my reading the emails, I would see it more as "I really don't think we should be giving blacks, who don't seem to be spending as much money or are

Yeah, I think you're really stretching it on this one..

What's a Blackberry?

It depends. For the cheap, non-connected versions listed above, they should work with any device. If you want one with Bluetooth connectivity and pressure sensitivity, you'll have to do your homework. I went on a tour of everything out there when looking to get my wife one for a gift, and ended up having to settle

Looking at the article posted, looks like there's good reason to prevent it from happening in some areas.

Don't tase me, Bro!

Don't do it! You'll lose whatever remaining faith in humanity you might have left...

Probably because more often than not, folks who follow meaningless diets (such as yours), are usually arrogant assholes who spend every meal explaining in grave detail how awful what the rest of us are eating. They're the ex-smokers of the food chain.

And, if the kid was autistic? Would that change your view? If not, then don't bother reading the rest because you really are an asshole.

We have both the Xbox and Portable versions at home. My 6-year-old prefers the Xbox version, but loves playing on her tablet with me. I setup the open source server on my PC that allows us to share a world, but aside from when we're out of town, that's the only time she'll really play with it due to the crappy

Then that employer should pay their employees fairly and consistently.

You really are sad. I'd pity you if it weren't for the fact that you actively work at being this way.

I see I hit a nerve. Seriously, it's all you. Ease it back a bit, and you might get yourself some tail.

The problem is, you've already stated your impression of the effects of feminism, and aside from some tenuous and anecdotal evidence, they're all simply not true. You certainly seem to be an arrogant asshole, so I'm sure you've got women dumping on your sad ass all the time, but that's got more to do with your

Yes, you addressed it with your version of religious dogma, and I pointed out I don't do refutations of religious dogma. So, good luck to you, Sparky!