
So, "It still genuinely amazes me that some parents need things like this pointed out to them, step by step" was a positive comment? The implication here is that you have some knowledge that you consider basic and should be in the possession of everyone.

You made the presumption that all parents have had exactly the same life experience and events that have lead you to having the knowledge you have, and therefore are inferior parents for not having said information.

Well, in all fairness, the presumptions started with you.

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit, and made up on the spot. There's zero evidence your claim is true, and ample stating the exact opposite.

The others are being rampant, so I'll respond calmly: whatever happened just prior to shots being fired by Zimmerman is irrelevant. He stalked a young, black man for no other reason than he was black. That makes him a racist.

I'm with you. My wife, who lived out West for a while, continuously raved about Chipotle when we first got together. When it finally came to our area, we rushed over...after waiting a few weeks for the lines to die down from "Only three more hours to go until I get inside" to "Alright, I'll park the car and get the

No, I just watched Faux from time to time to hear what the loonies are spreading among themselves. I only watch about 3-4 hours of TV a week in general, so I don't know what the comedians have to say about them, but if they're saying Faux is full of lying propaganda-masters, then they're spot on as well.

The problem with that is that Faux News says so few things that are true, it becomes a pointless endeavor to distinguish signal from noise. For example, at least once an hour, someone says "This is Fox News". That is true. Pretty much everything said during the rest of that hour is false, or at the very least so

If by "Fox News is one side of the story" you mean that "Fox News is the completely made up part of the story", then yes, you're correct.

Yup, you and your org are exactly everything that's wrong with corporations. Ok, maybe not EVERYTHING, but this kind of chatter is fairly representative.

Just like assholes aren't going to stop being assholes anytime soon, right? So glad you have the rest of us figured out...of course, those of us who have just purchased our first house with a completely bare garage and are looking for the best way to maximize their space would have no use for an article like this,

Looks like it's the same tool, so I'll mention that I found RootCloak in the Xposed Framework module database after LH posted an article about Xposed a week or two ago. I was very excited to give it a try, and found it worked perfectly blocking my company's MDM software from finding out I had root. Been using it for

Ah, ok. The first is something I'd forgotten about since I've been using the Sprint/GV integration. I forgot people without that experience all kinds of weird behavior.

Doesn't seem to be specifically mentioned anywhere, but does it support backing up/restoring those settings? Good to have in case you need to reset/reflash.

Ok, I'll bite: what's the half of the purpose you're missing out on? I use Gvoice and have it route texts through the default app, and don't see what the issue is. In fact, since my voice mails are emailed to me (along with the god-awful transcriptions), I don't even bother installing Voice on my phones anymore.

Exactly. They've already shown what happens to people who work for them that speak their minds: fired & blacklisted.

Hmm...might be doable with AOKP. You can set the button bar to auto-hide and return with a swipe, plus you can combine status and button bars together. Don't know if you can do both simultaneously. Sounds like you wouldn't be hindered for the reasons I was. I wanted to be able to see my notifications in the status

You mean like on a tablet? You can enable such a feature with AOKP. I can tell you this much: it doesn't work very well on a phone, too small.

After reading about it in an article on another site, I decided to give Xposed a try. Since I knew LH had written one, I came back to see what it had to say. The article itself was helpful, but your comment is the main reason I'll keep using Xposed. Thanks for posting this, along with the details. LOVE the Calendar

Hmmm...my immediate next recommendation would be to hit up the Tasker Google Group and ask about it. Without knowing more, my thought is you're hitting a dead zone where it's not seeing any towers, but you mentioned it was still showing as running that profile. I can tell you that I've got quite a few profiles that