
don’t get me wrong - Joy was SO wrong here and I am glad she is being called out for it and that nurses are getting some much deserved spotlight.

I get why people are upset, but the calls to boycott, etc. seem a BIT much. Also, I saw some meme type posts about it on FB today with the hashtag #nursesmatter. Getting real tired of seeing every ‘movement’ now co-opting the slogan.

My mom sat me down in first grade to show me this movie I would “love.” It’s one of my favorites to this day. Then again, my mom was too liberal with things at times. I saw a lot of content I wouldn’t want my kids to see at the same age I did.

The local shop here that does pourovers has a stopwatch and times the pour themselves...

I am a vegetarian now (and a life-long atheist) but I did love me some kosher hot dogs. I just liked some surety that I wasn’t eating ground pig anus. Hebrew National all the way.

I figured it was some version of that or “don’t want to piss off the regulars to seat a table we may never see again.”

But there’s also a slew of raw stories there that aren’t great - I want someone to go through, proofread and only share the best :)

I've got a mirena so I haven't had periods in almost 5 years (just got a new one in July) so I just tell them I've got a mirena and don't currently menstruate.

You completely misread. He (Sr.) Guest stars on one of my favorite episodes of Jr’s show (Happy Endings. On which Jr was one of the 6 leads) as Jr’s character’s dad and it is hilarious but Sr’s involvement after these comments really ruins the episode for me now. Just tarnishes anything he’s been involved with. In

His son is hilarious and he guest starred on an episode of Happy Endings as his son’s dad and that episode is ruined for me now. I'm just sick over this one. So disappointed.

I'm one of those too!

She turned 18 earlier this month. Barf.

You’ve always been able to order this way even though it is not technically listed. You just pay for the more expensive ingredient

Didn’t we determine last week that Starbucks are *not* in fact franchises?

You should be! Though, sadly, I am sure a lot of this depends on the actual providers in your area and what your insurance covers. (this was a replacement IUD, not my first, but I still just had to call and say I wanted it replaced and they did so right away with no fuss. Whole appt took 20 min tops.)

That’s crazy. I called on a Thursday and had an appt the next Wednesday.

I really don’t get the Ed hate. He’s very talented and produces delightful inoffensive pop. If you don’t want to see what he’s up to, don’t follow him on twitter? He’s 24, newly rich and famous. Of course he’s going to have moments where he looks like a douche.

I also do not like water added to my iced Americano. The water that generates off of the ice is plenty. I certainly understand why water is added to a hot Americano as that is what makes it an Americano, but an iced one really does not need additional water added. It is too watery for me that way Mind you I also have

The free birthday drink does not have a dollar cap

Perfect, truest response ever