
I had 2 paragards fail on me (read: got pregnant). The Mirena has been perfect. I was leery of the hormones after my really, really bad experiences with various forms of the pill. But the Mirena hasn’t impacted me like those did and I just got mine replaced with a new one after 5 fabulous years. No periods to boot!

They are rich. They have made TONS of money off this show.

I think it’s satire but then some idiots found it and thought it was serious and they are racist fools who actually think this is a problem.

I think the original intention was to be sarcastic. But obviously and unfortunately people who agree with this sort of thing for real have found it and latched onto it and are trying to make it a real thing


This article has the father’s side, which, given the circus here, is worth reading. This judge is beyond out of line and I don’t understand how ANY part of this was OK.

This is awful, but 11 year olds are not allowed Facebook accounts. She's lying and violating TOS by setting that up.

Shiloh prefers to go by John and they refer to him as “he”

I don’t get why “I don’t like this thing that other people like” has to become “this thing other people like that I don’t is BAD and my opinion is the most correct because the thing is not good and therefore my opinion is fact but yours is just a crappy opinion.”

Jez doesn't do trigger warnings

Exactly. People seem to be missing this piece.

Finally read it and LOVED it. Need more suggestions! 😃

She kind of looks like Moss even! Great gif!

The ONLY way he’s alive, IMO is if Brienne saw the light in the tower at the last second. Then decided to...trade Stannis for Sansa or something.

I recommend Stila eyeliner pens. I could never make that shit work any other way.

I didn’t want to rub my luxurious food stamp lifestyle in everyone’s faces, but since you brought it up, I usually get 2 lobsters and leave one to rot on the counter while I eat the other. It really feels like I’ve gotten the government’s money’s worth then. 😉

So do you believe that everything that happens is God’s plan? Because he does. and that includes what happened to him.

Are you insinuating that a giant ice cream cone tattoo on one’s face is TACKY??????????

I usually molest my aborted children WHILE eating food stamp lobster. It just tastes better that way.

I used to until I cashiered for 2 years at Walgreens. People buy insane combos of stuff and ONCE in a while it will stick with you (really creepy looking guy buying vaseline and 5 enemas, for example) but you desensitize to it SO fast. So I have long since stopped worrying what the cashier might think.

One brand of pads was advertising having the “quietest wrappers” or something a few years ago. I was SO CONFUSED by this until I realized they ACTUALLY meant the wrapper was less noisy when you opened it. SO UNNECESSARY.