
It was better than twilight because Edward was actually a character where Bella was just a Mary Sue

It’s called “Midnight Sun”. There were copies of floating around the Internet in 2008. I'm sure you can still find one

this actually makes perfect sense as Stephenie Myers did the same thing. She wrote a copy of twilight from Edward’s point of view and called it “midnight sun”. But it got leaked on the Internet so the book was never finished or released. So it really makes sense that the twilight fanfiction would do the same thing.

According to every airline I’ve ever flown with...

Have you flown lately? Your under seat storage is the seat in front of you. 100%

10 million times THIS.

I am actually kind of on Bruce’s side on this one...

Um, air is a gas and we all know that liquids freeze. CAN YOUR SCIENCE EXPLAIN THAT? (#sarcasm if not totally obvious)

My mom has been a believer for 15-20 years. It’s terrible. She’s otherwise not anti-science, but is prone to paranoia and just gets swept up in this BS.

Joy-Anna is still under 18. It's how his parents got the court to destroy the police report. She would have been 4 when this happened/ started.

Jana and John-David are twins. Josh is the oldest by almost 2 years.

He wasn’t supposed to investigate - he was a friend of Jim Bob’s who was in law enforcement and he brought Josh to this guy to give him a stern talking to.

He was 14-15 so the sisters were probably Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger who would have been about ages 9-13 at that time.

They “forgave” him according to the reports.

Tmz is reporting his sisters among the abused 😞

THANK YOU! I purchased it. Not sure why it wouldn't come up before.

Hmm. I could NOT find it last night. I will check again when I get home... I even tried searching in Amazon directly to no avail

Willing victim isn't available in the kindle store 😞

Not defending ANYTHING about this fucker, but I read that as “anyone could claim rape at that point” because the doctor isn’t requiring any “proof” other than the woman’s say so in terms of the 20 weeks/rape exception. He’s saying I could get pregnant, wait until 20 weeks and 1 day and then go in and have a super fun

Anyone read these books who can recommend one to pick up as an intro to her work? I'm not sure it'll be my cup of tea, but I'll give one a shot, just would like to know which is best 😃