
That's me being defensive. See!

Mazda 6

Just wanted to mix it up a bit. Girls can have fun in those, too.

The Miata one is dead on. Why the skirt though?


Any large, late model GM SUV. I automatically assume you are a 30-something stay-at-home-mom with gigantic sunglasses and a superiority complex.

Yea but is your key made of crystal and underneath just a Volvo key? Is it? Does it have that history?

He had to be going, like, over 100 for that to happen, right?

This was never an issue of "good vs evil", "anti-consumerism", or "greedy corporations". Ever. It was simply a company making the leap to the first all-digital console, people being unable to move on from a traditional (though unsustainable, as even Kotaku has called it several times) business model, and a completely

The only difference that matters:

I knew comments like these were coming! Thanks for doing exactly what I was expecting!

"Hey Microsoft, cut out this always on shit, this policy is awful, change it then we'll talk!"
After this article
"Wow Microsoft, way to commit to your policy idiots!"


Zynga was absurdly popular because they offered something to people who wouldn't actively go to this site to talk about games, which is where most of the negative comments were coming from. They were games for Joe Schmo and Zynga is dying because they failed to innovate. We didn't give a fuck about them and they

I'm sorry but Forza won that over GT.

An audiofile, you say. Are you an AIF or WAV ?