
Go fuck yourself with having to jump in with your ‘it’s all the same on both sides’ bullshit. One group has a history of slavery, endemic and systemic racism, and a system designed to work against them. The other is mad they can’t be racist anymore. In case you missed it, go fuck yourself.

I’m so glad that, much like the recent Root cross-posting, we get to enjoy an extra-large heap of Jezebel in our Jalopnik posts.

do you really want one, or are you just super jelly?

That is a huge guy kneeling at the front.

Just don't tell anyone that the PT Cruiser is technically classified as a wagon.

First generation Mazdaspeed3. Considered to be the hottest of hot hatches, it will blow the doors off a WRX, GTI, ST, and ST. They are safe, practical, stylish, and as previously mentioned, fast. Downsides are the ominous 'Zoom-Zoom-Boom' and a rubbery shifter, but both are somewhat easily remedied.

Uhhh, that jackass is Neal McDonough, and he's not a dipshit, he's awesome.

Rest of article skipped.

Why is this tagged PS4 only, when it's also coming to Xbox One?

Funny how an article about Forza 5 and microtransactions brings out all of the trolls...but they're noticeably missing from this GT6 post.

drain bamage

Required: obligatory name change to, 'RAN OVER'.

The "almost kill" is at 1:20 so you don't have to waste your time.

Did he really use a butt plug for the demo video?

I am disappointed I didn't get to see someone aggressively testing the shifter throw or the seat adjustments while parked.

The low-rider mini truck fad couldn't have died quickly enough.

Sweet justice would have been light scattering from each of their 10,000K drop-in HID kits onto each others expansive plastic Armor All-ed dashboards, which then reflected into their eyes dazzling and temporarily blinding them, thus causing them to all crash into each other and create a giant farty sounding pile of

Obviously ONE imaginary character was not enough for his truck.

!nomination! blue monitor (varanus macraei)

Stop repeating this over and over, dude. You're flat out wrong, and it would be a shame if you made other people believe what you are saying. This kills the car enthusiast.

The correct answer is always the Miata.