
The Monoprice 3way adjustable monitor stand. I had been looking for a monitor stand that ran under 100 bucks. This one fit the bill, and I think I paid a similar price to what it is now. Its not the prettiest, but it gets the job done and its not hard on the pocket book.

The Monoprice 3way adjustable monitor stand. I had been looking for a monitor stand that ran under 100 bucks. This

I guess we're a greater evil for inducing the slashdot effect on him.

The data contains slides that appear to have been taken from military presentations including one titled: Army Force Management Model.

Holy shit. Be glad that fertilizer wasn't ammonium nitrate.

That sounds equal parts frightening and awesome.

This isn't necessarily even pro-gun, it's just not anti gun, As someone that has rifles for hunting along with some WWII era rifles for the historical value, and who is generally quite liberal, I find it sad that anything that discusses guns and doesn't openly opposed them is considered "pro-gun". Not that your

Great article. Glad to see some pro-gun stuff on Gizmodo. Gives us some hope that the entire staff doesn't think that every gun owner is a nut or child killer.

"it's nice seeing other "gizmo" related articles" and also that talk realistically about firearms without describing them as "scary."

"high-powered assault rifles"

While I by no means support the militarization of the police forces of this country, your grandiose generalizations and pervasive lack of specific knowledge are shameful for someone attempting to "report" on a situation.

"High-powered assault rifles"

What makes them high powered? Better yet what would you consider to be "average-powered"?

"That's basically a tank" and "Bearcats are also a lot like tanks"

Let's ease up on the hyperbole. Some folks that read your articles take them at face value. Your statements imply these things are

MRAPs; basically a tank in the same way a big fish is a shark.

"as well as a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicle. That's basically a tank."

Quit being a pussy and save yourself

The simplest explanation tends to be the correct one: it is sinking.

Am I the only one who hates video posts. With all the video clips, news, reviews, etc lately I feel like I'm encroaching on a "get off my lawn!" Part of my life... But I just want to read, not watch ;/ I don't want to listen to other people.

I've actually heard someone ask the propper way to apply a tourniquet for a head bleed. Poor girl, our supervisor made a joke about "head cases", ie crazy people, and resisting the urge to slap a tourniquet around their neck. She thought he was serious and thought head case meant head trauma.

Friendly reminder, secure the leftover strap after you have completely tightened the tourniquet and the bleeding is controlled. It would be a shame to stop the bleeding, only to have all that dangling strap catch on something and yank the tourniquet loose.