
Would’ve loved to check out the coast more but alas I only had a short stint on eileson/Wainwright providing medical coverage for arctic survival. I’ll say I’ve never felt more alone than out in the middle of Wainwright, until a f15 would see us and do a low flyover to mess with us.

I understand what you mean, I’ve been everywhere from Antarctica to Afghanistan, I’ve seen it too. Then again a revolver in your face doesn’t exactly scream “victim” regardless of circumstances.

Or planning to not be a victim.

Honestly....no, and I’m speaking from experience. I’ve been a medic at the USAF’s survival school for some years. I carry a fire starter, but also a bic lighter. I’ve gotten WAY more use & longevity from the lighter. Furthermore I’ve found old lighters numerous times on the ground, in the woods, in parking lots, in

Breaking News: Humans use technology during crisis situation.

Brown sludge? Batter. The phrase you where looking for was brownie batter.

So I’ve been a medic for a while and had to deal with people who have decreased sensory inputs and/or given medications (local or otherwise) to cause this effect. Just with my experience with that my purely anecdotal guess would be he feels “pressure” as that’s one of the hardest tactile sensation to stop completely

In short, if you ever look at a bleeding wound and go “oh crap I need to tourniquet that or I’m gonna die” but you realize it’s not a location you can do that (abdomen, back, etc) - that’s the best time to use quickclot. So the injury that comes to mind for a wilderness setting is a penetration wound from falling on a

Stick with the super glue.

Ok I just texted an Army vet I know, in brief he told me that it still doesn’t have anything to do with treatment for the envenomation but is given prior to anti-venom administration because of common reactions to the anti-venom itself. Probably no harm either way, but my guess is any vet would give IM benadryl to the

Ahhh yeah should’ve guessed “Wiley” wasn’t your kid. Huh, I’ve never heard that before, I’ll have to look into it. Thanks!

I have a couple of suggestions for you, I’ll outline them and then explain each. First I would lose the antibiotic completely. Second I would swap out the thermostatic dressings for Quick-clot impregnated gauze (ideally the Z-fold combat dressing). Lastly a couple cravats (triangular bandages) are an absolute must for

So...am I wrong in thinking we are going to see a GIANT need for IT professionals in the coming years?

So....like every exercise crossfit groups love? Not hating on cross-fit, just can’t deny the connection.

Special interests did to demonize something they where scared of. Your use of it only perpetuates this. The weapons (actually just parts) are no more an "assault weapon" than a Mustang is a Formula 1 car.

I can also 3D print a hand grenade. Or a fucking elephant dick. Why does that matter? It's NOT legal to have an unregistered firearms or lower receiver, it's also not illegal to build a firearms yourself and have it registered. How is it really any different than someone using a CNC machine to mill a lower receiver?

*Meaning that they went through the ENTIRE 16+ month long bureaucratic processes, paid the fees, did the extensive background check, and are now obligated to comply with all the laws and regulations in place concerning who can purchase firearms.

"You can buy some PARTS to a gun online?! Guns are bad and kill people, this is a crime!"

I just hand built my desk and used one of these on it (took the lower bracket off and mounted it directly to the desk). Before I did that I took each of the nuts out where the arm actually articulates and put a few drops of waste motor oil in there to lube it up. It's now smoother than the really expensive mounts I've

I just hand built my desk and used one of these on it (took the lower bracket off and mounted it directly to the

Years later this of course dawned on me.......