
Me and a friend did it with gas and asuper soaker. Since we where young we forgot we couldn't put the subsequent smoldering chunk of plastic out with water. After failing in that we found a large container to try to smother it, which also melted and added to the the petroleum product meltdown. We had no shovel to

No one has said it yet? The A-10's distinctive noise is often jokingly referred to as "God's fart"

I'm enlisted, I also work at the AF's survival school. There's no modern day military affiliation with the "tactical tomahawk"....no one has one outside of a novelty for throwing at logs. I'm really not sure where the author got that idea from? Now I do have a couple traditional axes that get used constantly.

Not gonna lie, you sound like a bitch.

That was certainly one of my thoughts, I'd rank it up there with it breaking down as simple and plausible. There's a saying I use when considering differential diagnoses that applies here "When you hear hoof beats don't look for zebras."


Israeli bandages are awesome! I have a little trauma module I keep in my car and all it consists of is 2 CATs, quick clot (z-fold), and 2 Israeli bandages.

Whenever I gotta teach SABC (self aid and buddy care) I usually tell them to grab a roll of tape and just wrap the whole thing a couple of times for the same reason. If you're applying a tourniquet you are likely in a situation requiring some kind of extrication, a scenario ripe for loosening tourniquets.

I actually just read this comic the other day! Made me laugh....though, you don't want to apply a tourniquet to snake bites actually.....or "suck" out the poison.

Honestly that is some old school thinking and has cost a LOT of lives. Tourniquets have routinely been applied and removed (in a higher echelon of care) 6, 8, 12+ hrs with ZERO ill effects to the patient. Cellular ischemia in the limb doesn't take place as quickly as was previously believed, furthermore most

All good points, and it's funny you mention that it was contrary to how you where taught in the Navy - as that change in the standard of care came about BECAUSE of combat medics in the last decade or so of war (we have a greater understanding of how to manage trauma effectively more now than ever). Last time I was

Solid information, but I wouldn't select this specific tourniquet. There's a reason the military uses CAT tourniquets - they're simple, cheap, and have a proven track record. If you guys at lifehacker are interested in tactical medicine, trauma, wilderness medicine, or anything like that I wouldn't mind contributing.

You win. This is the one.

Unless you've got some crazy pain tolerance your doc is going to know from your demeanor alone where you're sitting, the pain scale is to fine tune it and see where you're at psychologically. Granted "pain is what the patient says it is" but VERY often people inflate it in the belief it's going to get them

You ever made a mistake before? When the focus of your entire job is dropping bombs, this is the result of one mistake. There's more training involved than most can even fathom to reduce those mistakes to as close to zero as possible....but mistakes are part of the human equation. Besides, might not have even been a

I'm a big fan of the "Chicken with Tomatoes and Feta Cheese" the whole MRE has always had great stuff in it. If you've never eaten an MRE before you should understand there's a couple sides that come with it that can make or break the meal sometimes (god love the packet of chocolate peanut butter if you can get it).

I understand it's not viewed as sophisticated or intellectual to actually like a movie without having some kind of reservation about the authors opinion's, but screw all that - I thought this movie adaptation set a new standard. I can't say I've seen many film adaptations in which the same story was largely

OH GOD - this woman needs some....looser fitting pants.

Hint: Starting your argument with "Hint:" strikes me as much more arrogant and discrediting.

I've been a Dune fanatic for as long as I can remember. I've logged more hours on all of the Dune games than might be considered sane. If someone where to make a real GOOD sequel to Emperor: Battle for Dune, I'd probably loose my god damned mind.