
For some medications this sounds like a great idea, but you need to read the label for what temps this medication can be stored at. If it advises you not to freeze it....then don't. Sometimes a drastic change in temp can make the medication inefective.

Well since it's the ARMY, enough to last them a few weeks in the field. What happens on the COP....doesn't always stay on the COP.

"It's faster than you, but it isn't smarter." Well I don't know about THAT, I'm sure we all know at least one person that the fly might have more computing power than.

Believe what you want, I'm just pointing out facts and trying to help. Kind of hard to dispute how protein is metabolized though....it's pretty well documented.

I hate to disagree with you...but that just isn't the case. I wish I could find you a more reputable article but here's a link to wikipedia, I'll keep searching for a better article but I recall having a discussion about this topic with one of my instructors during my medic training. [en.wikipedia.org](nutrient)#Excess

This is a great article! You hit the biggest (and most annoying) myths right on the head with this one. I also wanted to point out another thing with the high protein diet (which is an annoying myth when you're surrounded by meat head marines all day), a high protein diet can actually cause weight gain. To completely

Where you trying to be sarcastic? Sarcasm doesn't work when the point you just made is worthless. Point being, the hornet to the super hornet was like taking an old car and dropping a bigger engine and some new paint on it (that's a grand oversimplification - I know, but it's a correct analogy none the less). Take the

Well, after skimming these other responses, I'm less irate than I was when first reading this article. This is why I like giz readers, we've all identified a steaming pile of crap (this article and it's author) and picked it apart. Warms my heart to see it. However, I love gizmodo as a whole, and one shitty author

Partly serious I'm sure, because it's a valid point.

Yes, well, you take your aerospace engineering degree and get right on that. Oh, as far as updates go - I think we're up to F-15E now at this point. Impressive aircraft, loved seeing their afterburners at night on Bagram's airfield, but you must understand that you can only upgrade SO much before the cost/performance

I'm inclined to agree with you. Other than the narrow minded view this article took, in more than one way it was suggested that the entire project was unnecessary and was kept alive only for political reasons....this isn't the Osprey, ok? There is indeed a niche this aircraft is filling.

I WANT to give the little kids candy, but no one ever comes to my door. My wife keeps telling me it's because I planted the walkway with overgrown Toxicodendron diversilobum.

That's awesome, and indeed ironic, I'd love to find it. PPT....hah I'm in the military, I've seen powerpoints bastardized in ways you couldn't imagine. One on amazon won't turn my stomach anymore then some young captain trying to read her brief off of the slides she made.

WHEN?! I want a date! Meh, I hope soon.

"Turn back! We're about to sail off the end of the world!"

I'd love to see a more in depth look at amazon, period. I'm certain there's more to the company (amazing and bad) then we see every day. Get on this giz!

Yeah I know, words I thought I'd never speak or hear. I still hate them, if only for the years of horrible horrible things they've done. But for the first time ever, I'm getting my advertised speeds, and torrents come in strong.

Any portal reference is a winner in my book!

Ok ok ok, I'm tired of hearing stupid burn treatments. No butter, no jelly, no ice, and no freaking mustard! If you want to ACTUALLY treat a burn, small or moderate sized, run it under COOL water (not freezing, and no ice) for about 10 minutes. It will hurt, take some friggin motrin and suck it up, there's nothing you

Lmao, too awesome.