
Exactly! I use it to basically mean “Holy crap I did the thing that everyone else does so easily but it took me ages to accomplish and I’m so proud even though I know it’s stupid and I’m bad at being an adult, but fuck it I did this one thing right so yay!”

Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...

Right? Like goddamn Madeleine, maybe sit a few plays out.

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.

I like how she’s slowwwwwly scaled back the hair thing with each passing interview.

But is it a case of the phrase taking on a whole new meaning? I doubt many people know the original reference (I didn’t) and on its own, the phrase has a whole other meaning, no?

As a student, allowing someone else to access your student accounts is usually a violation of university policy. I would strongly recommend asking to see your son’s final grades, when he is with you, instead of using his account information. A large amount of student assignment submissions occur online, and your

My mom is like this in a different way. She expects me to give her details about my sex life and when I didn't she threw a huge temper tantrum and called a psychologist. I'm 20. And the psychologist sided with her.

Hmmm. Y’know, I think if anyone’s having a ‘rough fucking week’, it’s the people who died, and those close to them.

Well, I know a few people from very rural parts of the country who actually have to hunt to eat (I’m sure this lifestyle is dying out, but its not dead yet). But why on earth does anyone need assault weapons and handguns?

From your cold dead hands, right? If firearm regulations don’t work, why aren’t fully automatic weapons as proliferate as semi-automatics? Is it because gun nuts just don’t want them?

Yes! People see my opinion of “no guns for anyone” as “extreme” but I work in public health and I have no idea why people think that something that has 0 advantage as owning a gun and lots of risks for the gun owner and his household members and even friends is seen as anything but a public health threat. I’m willing

I would give my right arm to get Socialdemokraterne back! My right arm I tell ya. Denmark is ruled by racists. It’s depressing. You’re like the lightfuckinghouse of hope.

Now playing

I know there is going to be endless praise of Sweden as some sort of utopia but it’s not, it fucking isn’t

But once again a woman is having to answer for the actions of a man.

That being said though (Thanks Jon!), replying with “they deserve to be believed at first until they’re disbelieved based on evidence” is a pretty good spur of the moment reply. She could have refused to answer or said something stupid about it not being relevant or something.

Reminds me of Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns....

“Why those boys? Why not me?”

Wow, there is some A+ primo body-shaming going on in the comments section. Sarcastic bravo for that! I was actually just thinking that, although I don’t watch the show much any more, I appreciate that both the leads have more average bodies than your typical Hollywood show.

I feel like....I should hug you...but I’m also scared