
how dare people think he deserved NOT to be shot? the nerve! *clutches pearls*

So he was the black son of an illiterate junkie from a poor neighborhood in disrepair? Well shit! Of COURSE he was murdered. Duh.

Did you read the whole article? It’s all basically all “this guy was an unruly criminal from a bad family in a bad neighborhood.”

The thing that is worse about CNN is that they have no clue that they are garbage. The people at Fox very much know what they’re doing and who they are skewed towards. CNN still thinks they really are fair and balanced.

CNN is almost as bad as Fox News these days. Over Thanksgiving, my dad and I got into a debate about the leaning of CNN. I said CNN leaned right and he said it was “total liberal garbage.”

They don’t tell you the weird and stupid things you’re going to encounter as a teacher. I had to explain to a boy why he shouldn’t use sharpie to color his eyebrows in after he shaved them off. The tip was too wide most of his forehead was now eyebrow. I had to show him what he should have used instead and suggest I

A 10 year old in my class was bleeding profusely today because he tried to sharpen his finger in his pencil sharpener to “see what would happen”. A 10 year old. With no cognitive problems. So I have zero problems believing that a kid would jam 45 of these stupid things in their hair.

She probably saw that they would stick to her hair and just kept adding them, then realized they were stuck. Kids are dumb as fuck.

Is it wrong that I spent at least half hour yesterday looking at all the Amazon reviews from angry moms with their kid’s bad hair pictures? It’s so funny and entertaining. Like, for fucks sake, it says on the box that they stick to hair. Maybe don’t let your kids play with it alone if they're prone to putting stuff in

OMFG I FUCKING NEED THAT RIGHT NOW. i am such a god damn sucker for kate spade. the woes of working at Nordstrom at 20. You acquire an affinity for expensive shit lol

They do go together! Although in the song, it’s implied she’s a stripper (“Man I swear I love her how she work the damn pole”) the actual subject of the song was not a stripper, she was a consumer, as addressed in this interview with Billboard:

I kinda actually agree with them? I mean, it’s highly subjective but it seems (to me, but I am an outsider) that a fair amount of yoga practitioners get caught up in the ‘eastern mystisicm’ thing & start wearing bindis and henna and all sorts of other forms of cultural appropriation. Which is pretty gross. So from

Mte. I am so territorial over my food, but i eat so fucking slowly.

“If you’d just BRUSH your hair more often it would look good!”

The Ivy League is 8 specific schools. It’s not subjective. They are Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale.

Worst of all? This was the text:

Looking at the FB and Instagram profiles of my loathed former friend is just fucking habit at this point. I’m mostly looking in the hopes that she will post something that demonstrates what a total idiot asshole she is. I’m rarely disappointed.

Phone numbers are not private information, though you may want them to be.

Huh? There is no violation here.

There doesn’t *need* to be two-party consent to disclose the content of an email - emails aren’t secretly recorded conversations.