
Right? Also, JFK is an INTERNATIONAL airport. There were absolutely, without a doubt, people who spoke Italian inside one (or all) of the terminals who could have helped him. Fuck you, JFK security.

Marengo went to John F. Kennedy International Airport to meet the group for the flight home, but security thought he was homeless and made him leave. Being unable to protest, he boarded the subway without a destination.

Um, I didn’t report either of my rapes because I felt dirty, ashamed, and did not want to relive what happened over and over and over again as required by an investigation. I also did not think I would be believed. Unbelievable people still question victims doing what they feel is best for themselves.

In your experience, do police take action quickly and efficiently in rape complaints? We know how few rapists are ever prosecuted, so why do people keep asking this question? Besides, in addition to being a crime, rape is also a violation of student codes of conduct, and schools handle cases involving theft and other

hopefully i’ll just be echoing what everyone else is saying (because it’s the right goddamn thing to point out) but

If you EVER send someone something saying “I win” in a non-humorous context, there is no question you lost really, really hard.

I used to actively refuse it cause it did NOTHING for me. Only two people have ever gotten anywhere. It’s cool not to like it, but fun to try again every now and then. The key I found is to be TOTALLY relaxed, which is super hard. So it may just not work for some people.

YES! Me too. It will take me out of the moment. I would chalk this up to: all guys who’ve gone down were bad (and to be fair it was college) but my husband has tried. Like he has made it his mission to get good at it, he has asked for directions, he has tried different techniques and pressure and it is just not my

I have never had to shove a dude’s face between my legs, my dear. They thank me for the privilege, best believe.

Don’t fucking tell me what to do.

I have anxiety issues when receiving oral sex and can only orgasm from it if I am at least slightly tipsy.

Like those onion cutting goggles. Honestly if you eat pussy right I don’t give a fuck what you have on your face. Wear a fucking Groucho Marx mask for all I care.

me rn with dolezal stories:

Agreed 100%. However, now that she has done so she can go away forever.

She may have been born white, but in her heart she will always be Hawaiian Tropic #3a Medium/Dark.

Perhaps. But it’s been proven that even in cases in which women work as many or more hours then men, they’re still expected to do the housework.

Yes, but practically speaking, if your wife isn’t exhausted and stressed out from two full time jobs — one of which pays nothing and is massively undervalued — then you are, in fact, likely to get more sex. Because she’s no longer exhausted and stressed beyond her limits.

And she didn’t starve.

I am so much better than I was, but in college I “lost” a kitten for a couple of days, under my bed. And she didn’t starve.

I had been hoodwinked, bamboozled, conned, duped, flimflammed.