
Anecdotal, but as a bisexual woman who had no trouble attracting male attention, I STOPPED conforming to heterosexual beauty norms so much BECAUSE I realized women were an option for me, and men are the worst.

Yes because American culture has zero rapes happening.

The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.

And of course those men who decided the “punishment” would also like to do the raping right? In the name of “justice”. Those fuckers. I say take the women and children out then nuke that town, any place that still believe in these kinds of things should be wiped off the map. Sorry, just reading all about that makes me

This reminds me of the case last year where a woman was gang raped by thirteen village men because she was seen with a man of another faith. He was able to pay the arbitrary fine the village elder demanded but she wasn’t. So they tied her up and gang raped her all night. When the men were arrested, their wives and

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

Oh, they aren’t responsible, they’re just objects. The brother ruined another family’s property, so now his family’s property should be ruined.

Their brother is responsible. They’re just the objects used to shame him.

He’s living beyond his means, like any New Money Z-lister. His album sold only 2,200 copies despite touring with Chris Brown. People know very well he’s broke, that’s why he walked out of a bank showing off a stack of $100 bills, like who does that? There are envelopes. And this is also why he won’t leave Kylie’s

So, gonna be a bit of a devil’s advocate on this one. My niece was unrelentingly picky about her lunches for her first year of school, so my sister went to instagram with her and started looking at pictures of lunches, telling my niece to point out the ones she’d eat. Inevitably they all ended up being the cutsey

I hate these. It’s always insanely obvious who the star is. Remember the Drake one? he peeled off his fake beard to reveal....his real beard.

Turkey bacon is pretty disgusting but turkey sausage is fucking delicious.

i feel like i usually dislike restrained people at first but then usually end up changing my opinion the more i get to know them

As a white person, I’m fucking terrified that Trump is going to make some association on the media and only further the racial divide. I can see Fox having a field day. Ugh.

As a black person, I love how he is using racial remarks as an excuse to do this. He thinks Black America is gonna be like “oh she called him the n-word so he had to do it.” This dude needs to rot.

I have to disagree, respectfully. For example, when motives are things like extreme politicial or religious beliefs, I think its important to expose exactly what that type of mentality reaps. Out of the horror of the shooting in Charleston, a much-needed conversation happened about “Southern pride” and ”heritage.”

I watched it and I seriously regret it. I’m choosing to remember her as the photo on the bottom like the tweet is telling me to.

Let’s not talk about the killer’s motive here. MOTIVE DOES NOT MATTER.