
I know right? I mean she can call herself whatever she wants. I think it’s a weird dichotomy because people will always complain about women saying “well I think women should be equal to men but I’m not a feminist”, and they’ll say “But that’s the definition of feminism!!” and then turn right around and complain about

As a mostly non-drinker, i’m just focusing on what 5 shots of vodka would do to a non-drinker. I’d be on the floor after that.

I think shes smart enough to give no fucks about what people she doesnt know and will likely never meet think about her. I mean really, who lives their life and governs their choices based upon what absolute strangers think of them?

My feelings toward her started to soften with Caitlyn Jenner and with the people who listen to NPR having a mental breakdown when she appeared on their show. Come on, she’s not punching kittens.

I love it! I think its a wink to pin up. But I rock tacky giant hoop earrings so I may be biased.

And isn’t it an amazing coincidence that so many of the world’s best product endorsers are also really good at sports?

If you are ghosting someone because they’ve done some heinous shit to you and you have had it and there’s nothing left to say? Absolutely harder to do the ghosting. The ghostee clearly doesn’t give a fuck about you or your relationship anyway, so they’re not losing any sleep; whereas you, the ghoster, have to sit

Transgender kids have to go through extensive counseling and psychiatric examination before they transition. It’s not like playing dress up. We have lots and lots of research that shows that gender is set by around age 2-3. It isn’t really that complex.

Plenty of kids know very early on exactly who they are. They might not be at the point of having an intellectual debate with you about the nuances of gender identity in our society, but there most certainly are girls who were assigned male at birth who know they’re girls. And maybe if we listened to kids when they

For the most part, it depends on your local troops. When I was little I definitely identified and was biologically a girl, but I did both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. I just wanted to what my brother was doing and no one really cared.

You know how sometimes clueless white people whine about not being able to use the N-word because black people can use the N-word in a positive way and white people should be able to use it that way too?

“I’m not racist I don’t need this”


Are you still attracted to Pregnant women when you not pregnant yourself? What if you became a pregnant woman sex bandit, who would have affairs with pregnant women, then disappear into the night when the child is born?

You should try it, you’re kind of embarrassing yourself here.

No kidding. The comment I originally posted wasn’t even specific to Kara or Jia, but to a trend in Jez articles lately.

No kidding. The comment I originally posted wasn’t even specific to Kara or Jia, but to a trend in Jez articles lately. But rather than address the issue at hand, they are turning it into something personal and making these extremely juvenile comments (“I don’t care!” FOOTSTOMP!). It is embarrassingly unprofessional,

You realize this whole “diving into the comments to get hyperdefensive and insulting every single time you’re questioned” routine isn’t a good look for you, right?

It’s all part of a trend here of calling out Buzzfeed for stupid minutiae, while completely ignoring the egregious shit done here.

I don’t really understand all the excessive hate for Buzzfeed on here lately. It’s not like they offered $10k to buy untouched Vogue photos of Lena Dunham or as if they took cheap shots at Amy Pascal’s private online purchases. Don’t worry, Jez, no one is muscling in on you.