spooky ooky

The Yankees Are Struggling To Put Butts In Seats

The fact that they did “The Judge’s Chambers” is a huge departure from the team from the last 25-30 years. They would never do anything conceived as “fun.” And I’m pretty sure those wigs violate the Yankee Hair Policy.

snsd 10 year anniversary without jessica is sad

I don’t follow MMA, so maybe I’m just expressing my ignorance here but shouldn’t the ref have jumped in and stopped it like 15 or 20 head-shots earlier? That guy was clearly toast, no?

Holy shit, do you think Lay’s is aware of that? That could be a pretty big lawsuit!!

Goddamn modern world, expecting you to read 15 words into an article and shit. Fuck that.

I have a great relationship with the blacks.

“I can’t hate women, I’m married to one!”

Excuse me, but the leftist reporting on this incident makes me sick. Based on the reports I’ve read, this was obviously a choke slam, not a body slam.

We’d really waste less time if we simply required Kislyak to note all of the American politicians with whom he has met. All on one list, yo!

I’m not sure what everyone wanted him to do in this situation. He’s not allowed to use his hands.

And so what if she does?? Lesser known and well-known bruthas choose YT every freaking day and no one writes articles about it. Black women have been “faithful” to the culture for centuries and for what? As soon as an accomplished brutha get a chance to find love, he will often (not always, so don’t come back with

Why is she obligated to pick a black dude when black men have been giving the last rose to white/ other women for decades? In real life (which is what matters), black women are the ONLY ones who’ve been holding it down for black men as a category-those who don’t have much of anything to offer, & those who do (of

*searches for eyeballs on floor*

lol and she spelled manchester wrong. hopefully that means no one looking at #manchester will see her vileness.

Are you a cop?


How the hell does this not win that contest? I would not be able to live with the embarrassment of this permanently on my flesh. Jesus. I'm sorry for your friend.