Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.
Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.
Speaking of stimulation, avoid consumption of sexually aggressive food such as tea, candy, cinnamon and peppermint. Said Kellogg, “Tea and coffee have led thousands to perdition in this way. Candies, spices, cinnamon, cloves, peppermint, and all strong essences, powerfully excite the genital organs and lead to the…
Okay, 30 year old gamer here. This question is for those of you who played the games of my gen... How difficult are we talking here? Because I’m reading this as piss me off till I throw my controller through a window difficult. Also, this is the prime reason I haven’t played Dark Souls because I DO NOT NEED something…
Unfortunately, feminism has become associated with more than just equal rights. It isn’t that simple anymore.
guys this is really old news
Some people deal with tragedy and uncomfortable topics that hit too close to home by using humor.
1.-In b4 cease and desist
All these things and the comments are why I only run if I’m being chased by grizzly bears.
Im a huge Godzilla fan and i think the new American Godzilla is really good!. They did a fantastic job on it i hope you get around watching it
The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.
Far too many people don’t know the story of Till actually, that’s why there are people commenting on this that they “don’t understand how it could be a race thing” because we’re very quick to forget in this country.
So, yes, his mom did want these images to be used to help people remember why her son was tortured and…
This may shock you, but not all black people feel the same way as you. I’m black and I want the world to always see and remember this picture. When I see this picture, I see a boy whose future was cut short, not a black body as entertainment. I see a life, a story, something to be learned.
The apology kills me... you can practically see the bewildered, frightened innocence on this kid’s face as he says it.
I think no trigger warning is needed because this picture shows the reality of how race relations have been dealt with and the consequences of racism
Emmett Till’s mother asked for those photos to be taken so the world could know what happened to her child. This goes beyond white people being “titillated” by dead black bodies. This is about remembering. This image was on the cover of magazines at a time when the men who did this could literally get away with…
His apology makes me so sad.
Poor baby. He did nothing wrong and he is still apologizing for doing the wrong thing. This is such bullshit.
Steven Colbert, as always, does a great job striking a balance between comedian and consummate professional when approaching virtually any topic. It is because of him that somebody my own age - a millenial, not yet quite 30 - is watching the Late Show, of all things, something I’d have absolutely guffawed at the idea…