
Speaking as purely as thrones television fan, (I’ll wait for all the books to be out before I start) the two reasons I started watching this show are pretty simple. One, it had a great collection of our countries best actors involved. Sean Bean was the even there on the poster, front and center so it must be good!

It certainly has a quality - well that’s settled then. I shall try and replace my irritating habit of using ‘awesome’ when I don’t really mean it, with Rad!

I suspect that this was a ‘we need a sci-fi universe to drop this in - Metroid will do.’ Oh Nintendo, you are such a cruel mistress. So much talent but so many odd choices. I will play anything they make but damn it if I didn’t want a proper sprawling, moody, high def Metroid adventure.
Peace and love

Thank you! Colin Salmon has the perfect demeanor and the right kind of voice, all from a crazy handsome face. He’s got that perfect mix of educated and military vibe that seems to say Bond. Idris however, much I love him for being a local boy done good is from the wrong part of town and you can tell in his

Well that piece took me completely by surprise with it’s quirky tone and brilliance of wit! Bravo sir. I shall make the first toast of the night to you in the dog and duck later and another to all the former colonies. Keep up the good work my man, toodle pip and whoopsie daisey...tea and biccys...the queen... Oh cock

I get the feeling that she is so desperate to cling onto her previous identity that she is in complete panic and denial. It seems to happen often with people who’s sense of identity and self worth gets completely wrapped up with an ‘issue’ or a cause. If that cause then falls apart or someone contradicts it or

Damn it, if they had managed to get some hardware out in the beginning that was essentially on a par with the xbox1/ps4 I’m pretty sure Nintendo would be kicking back and relaxing on a pile of the skulls of their enemies! (joking) But seriously their first party games are always brilliant and so skillfully designed

So ‘rad’ really is back then? Good, 90’s slang never got a chance first time round. Bring it on:)

What a downer of an episode! Great but seriously depressing. Can’t believe we have to wait a bloody year to see what’s next. I think after the Hardhome episode I’m happy to put the idea that this isn’t the books but it’s own retelling of the story to bed. It’s fine and if anything this means we get double the amount

Sorry to disagree but I think this article was way off the mark i’m afraid. I think it shows a complete lack of understanding and respect toward the craft. Even if we just accept both of those aspects as simple ignorance, the choice to then use your position to bash someone publicly online is truly unpleasant to

Yeah, Discovery definitely seems to have gone downhill since I watched it as a kid. Maybe it’s just been worried too much about being ‘popular’ and selling advertising space.

Well that’s just about the best news I could have asked for! Thank you Arkane you lovely folks you:)

Yeah, this totally backfired. I cried and fell in love with every single one of these awesome, beautiful people:)x

That’s a pretty great write up! I was really rather nervous when I heard they were making this but I am happy to say I was worrying about nothing. It’s been a joy to watch so far and I’ve wracked my brains to think of a decision that the bbc has made with this show that I disagree with but I honestly can’t! They said

This looks fantastic! It’s got a wonderfully fun Avengers vibe to it. I wasn’t sure about Guy Ritchie as director at first but it makes more sense now. He’ll make everyone look sexy, the cars will look sexy, the suits and the period style fashion will look sexy. Great stuff:)

That was one of BBC Bristol and David Attenborough’s complaints about selling their documentaries to other territories. They would often be asked to shorten takes to heighten tension (or to avoid the viewer getting ‘bored’) and programmes that featured lions and sharks hunting and killing always seemed to sell better.

YEeeeeeeessssss. This is quickly becoming a dream project! Some serious acting chops getting in on this one. Hell, can you imagine Chiw and Cumb having tea and a face off? It could be a nice magical twist on the Sherlock and Moriarty relationship. Awesome:)

Not much, if any:) The last few interviews have said as much and you probably know everything you need to about the character already. (He’s an occult specialist, English and often bad for the health of those around him.) The ‘Hellblazer’ Vertigo run is truly awesome and I’m totally recommending it for when you want

I’ve got my fingers crossed for this book! It’s going to be tough to make it feel like Hellblazer, especially when it probably can’t be quite as ‘nasty’ or as political as the Vertigo book. We’ll know if it’s successful if it is causes a controversy, offends a load of people and gets cancelled:) I’m curious that now

Awesome! I love seeing all the different interpretations of the batmobile - let alone all the different takes on batman over the years. You don’t have to like them all to appreciate that it’s pretty neat to see what different designers make when they get to redesign something iconic. And hell, if you don’t like the