
I don’t hate many things, but I truly hate this Kinja format. I click an article to read that article and when I scroll down to the comments I’m immediately met with another one and it looks like I haven’t left the front page and it’s all convoluted and the never-ending scrolling is annoying.


Xbox One X: $500

Welp, in hindsight, I think Sony was actually really smart to announce and release the PS4Pro at a non-E3 event. These mid-generation refresh consoles are just not remarkable enough to hang a conference on. $500 and I get to play the exact same games with some more pixels and higher rez textures. Cool?

“Let’s make Destiny, but everyone is Iron Man.”

He wasn’t whining, troll

Is this the same game that lumped PoC in with “magic bullshit” in their list of things that won’t exist in their game?

For fuck’s sake, check your entitlement. Do you have any clue how many resources it takes to generate content for modern console games? We’re talking teams of hundreds, vs the 50 or so who were on BF2.

It’s neither of those, now. They’re not spawning power ups, but they’re not map objects either. You now get battlepoints as you play, which you use to spawn as more powerful units, heroes, and vehicles.

Kind of like Call of Duty. Not my ideal, but much better than BF2015.

What are you, a gay fish?

I agree, but I think it takes an extra level of shittiness to go into someone else’s country and act like this. Absolutely embarrassing.

Edd China tweeted this about 15 minutes ago.

More fun facts:

This is comically racist bullshit. Like something you’d expect to see on television.

In coastal areas people will often use crushed shells instead of gravel for driveways and when done correctly, serves the same purpose and can look very nice. They also tend to not get stuck in tires like gravel. However, this is not how one goes about it. Most people will buy them pre-shucked and bleached from

More like funky clam smells

Still less horrifying than 99% of the Barf Bag roundups.


Let’s see. No American bank will loan money to Donald anymore. Deutche Bank is just about the only real financial institution in the world still willing to take a chance on his welching ass, and he’s up to his eyeballs in debt to them. Plus, he’s been badmouthing Germany lately.

I wonder who shows up first: