Can’t agree with this comment enough.
100% same feelings about the great Witcher 3 upgrade to PS5 & also still putting off RDR2 hoping for a PS5 version.
Can’t agree with this comment enough.
100% same feelings about the great Witcher 3 upgrade to PS5 & also still putting off RDR2 hoping for a PS5 version.
Great, I have a paralysed vocal chord (half is essentially permanently closed/sealed over). I’ve pretty fit and healthy in most aspects, and as a byproduct of living with this - I have a much larger than average lung capacity - Can just about do 3x 25m lengths underwater in one go .. (after a couple of lengths…
“Someone made the stupid decision that all new fps games need to be team based.”
Do you mean Assassins Creed Black Flag....
Which is where this whole idea came from...
Makes sense,
You know Battlefield is doing one (this has been in the works since early 2017). It’s getting announced on Tuesday.
That’s going to be surely better than all, with their experience of making decent weapon & vehicle movement/sound etc.
Battlefield 1 & 4 genuinely have the top netcode scores across the FPS genre.
3 Was poor, but that was sorted halfway through BF4.
Fully agree - definitely in my top 5. It’s my little sisters (8) favourite movie too!
2:21 - Time for the door slam
I had two friends who pre-ordered and swiftly got rid of these soon after selling them on, both said it was a heap of cheap plastic.
Anyone who buys this is a Moron.
I had two friends who pre-ordered and swiftly got rid of these soon after selling them on, both said it was a…
It’s too little to late. Why didn’t these raids happen as soon as they had the intel that Russia interfered?
By now i’m sure a large majority of the evidence will of been destroyed, along with my faith in this investigation being able to pin much on anyone.
I went out and built my first PC due to this game (was on PS4). I saw some of my Battlefield Youtubers I follow posted some videos earlier in the year, and the seed was planted.
Finished building it about a month ago, and absolutely loving this game! The fact he has these views too (I didn’t know either), is such a…
Alright Lord Kitchener...
Bit of a snowflake aren’t you?