She is either insensitive or ungrateful, repeatedly biting the hands that feeds her.
She is either insensitive or ungrateful, repeatedly biting the hands that feeds her.
Every complaint of sexual harassment is not truthful. Every accused is not guilty. The Ford/Kavanaugh fiasco has nothing to do with women's right. The Dems want the seat and nothing else. They weaponized #metoo to violate Kavanaugh and flush Ford.
You are really screwed up by your hatred of POTUS
The problem with your position is that Barron Trump takes ZERO from any government agency.
Anon has the right to express himself freely. Moreover, his views aren't necessarily "Supremacist". Many civilized countries state by law that the newborn acquires the citizenship of its mother, including Australia and Japan among others. To do otherwise is lose control of one's culture to alien cultures.
As a proud Naturalized Citizens I say kudos to President Trump and Jeff Sessions. People who committed fraud to get naturalized should be stripped of citizenship, imprisoned and then deported.
The Times cover that was repeated by the MSM is a horrible lie. Times, the MSM and the Dems have ZERO CREDIBILITY
Because he needs 60 votes in the Senate. By the way I saw the entire thing and after reading this Article I am convinced it is the most psychotic case of projection ever observed.
This is pathetic, the President comments are being taken way out if context.
Giuliani is and always will be a Giant in his field. What has Waters accomplished?
This is a very tacky, mean spirited article
Women, especially White Women are on this selfish vendetta for themselves. They are alienating Men with their conduct.