
Did she really say she would have been like Princess Diana if it wasn’t for the sex tape?!?! I’m dying.

Yeah, if they want their marriage to work, they need to each take care of themselves and disregard the other person’s possible needs.

Listen y’all, the most important advice on here is that if you craft you need that JoAnn’s app. The coupons are off the chain and I don’t buy anything full price at that bitch no mo’!

Jane Marie, who used to run Millihelen. It was a good sub blog, but she has some mean girl/bully-ish tendencies in her writing. Very “look at me, I don’t care, I’m from LA lalalala.”

I too would like to know. This is the 3rd time i’ve read this column and thought, “Who the f is this person, they write like an asshole.”

“Last off, his wife probably told him to stop hanging out with you, duh. Which means you are attractive”

Polar seltzer FOR THE WIN.

Who actually eats the whole thing? If I’m going to eat there, I expect leftovers for around three days.

I am so happy to have her back, but I could wish the interview was with someone less annoying.

I agree with you and am very curious who others reading this will respond - my assumption is that most Jezebel readers are pro-smoking because of hipster nonsense, but hopefully I am wrong.

Smoking is gross. Indoor smoking is even more gross. Indoor smoking that ruins original art pieces and haute couture gowns people spent months making for these idiots is reprehensible.

Now playing

April Fools jokes suck. April Fool’s Day, the 1986 film film, is a blast, a total fun horror movie antidote to stupid slashers of the time.

A lot of cemeteries are huge like the size of a large city park, and they might only have a half dozen people on staff.

Sorry to burst your bubble but trips to Europe are not something poor people do.

Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.

Didn’t you know that only Trump is evil enough to have a limo called the beast? Everything before 1/21/2017 doesn’t exist.

Jez writers are often very young and do not know/understand/care about history/facts, etc. Remember, Jez isn’t news, it’s commentary — and they get a LOT of things wrong. Very wrong.

Look, I am the biggest GG fan ever, but she is the worst actress. The WORST. She is beautiful. And nice, I’m sure. Smart probably! But... worst.

She ran a poor campaign full of arrogance toward “deplorables” and took her voter base for granted. Trump appealed to working people who are watching their economic futures get worse and worse. The offer to renegotiate NAFTA could have won him the election all by itself. Afa his voters being rabid racists and

“ask Clinton herself why she never stepped fucking foot in Wisconsin this whole time.”