I think not keeping your phone next to you is a big thing, when it’s sitting right there you use it. I also charge mine in the kitchen (so I can grab it as I walk out) and not next to my bed.
I think not keeping your phone next to you is a big thing, when it’s sitting right there you use it. I also charge mine in the kitchen (so I can grab it as I walk out) and not next to my bed.
I had a 6 weeks ultrasound on Monday , it was a dark circle with a tiny blinking blob. My even dr warned me before hand that we may not be able to see the heartbeat so early and to not freak out if it wasn’t there. I had to hold my breath for them to be able to even measure the heart rate.
Look on you tube for his story about working with Prince. It’s bizarre and hilarious.
All the coach bags I had were their signature “fabric” not leather. Their quality is kind of shit now or was when I last look at it.
I mean he’s basically like I’m going to do you a favor by going off and fucking other people so you don’t have to worry about pleasing me as much. It’s a dick move.
It’s not the situations it’s the similarity in the voice of almost all the letters I’ve read so far and the “advice”.
Polar Orange vanilla is the best sparkling water hands down, it maybe an east coast thing. They have special summer flavors right now that are all lemonade themed that are good too
In this case she pretty much said they had issues and were unhappy before they were married. I do think people think marriage is some magic bullet that fixes all your relationship issues.
Because the Rock is known for his high quality watchable films.
I have been hoping he was in a secret coma this whole time and was going to show up in this next one a la Michelle Rodriguez.
It’s probably because accrued vacation time is carried as a liability on their books. A place I worked had a ton because we could carry over up to 30 vacation days and there were people who had been there forever who carried that over every year.
I’m assuming Washington is including the surrounding suburbs which have some of the highest median incomes in the country.
This made me roll my eyes so hard. When I go home I am surrounded by evangelicals and none have seems to want or enjoys my constructive criticism on why I have left the church and have no desire to return. Their responses ignore my valid complaints and focus on gods love for me and his desire for me to return.
The pastors’ kids were always the worst.
I mean from things she mentioned and things I saw poking around her website and twitter she would be labeled and non christian or a Pharisee by the (fucked up) evangelical church I grew up in. I doubt she would have the warm fuzzies she does about the evangelical movement if she grew up in it too.
My experience with evangelicals*was that they do help their members but do very little for people who are not in their group, Any help given outside it always seems to be part of a recruitment effort. I grew up in a church that didn’t and still continues to do jack shit for the community outside the church.
This is one of my issues with big megchurches they have the people and the money to really help people but they often only make token efforts.
Because one of the tenets of evangelism at its core of forcing other people to listen to your good news and the belief that the reason people who don’t think the same way you do is because they haven’t heard or understood this good news. It places them in the position of the great enlightener with no respect to your…
Pure, alkaline water awakens the nuts’ dormant properties, increasing digestibility and micronutrient, vitamin, and enzyme count.
I don’t know about MA but in NJ you have for pass the HSPT as well as fulfill course and grade requirements. For example even if you pass the English portion of the HSPT you wouldn’t get your diploma unless you passed 4 years of English in school. It’s not like doing well on the test exempted you from schoolwork.