Spontaneous Mixx

I don’t necessarily feel like they NEED to lose the touchbar, but I would have liked to have seen a Pro keyboard that has the function keys return in addition to the touchbar.  It seems like this 16" model would have been the best place to do that.

It is my understanding that the plan specifically has provisions in it to make renewable energy accessible for those who are poor or lower income, assuming at all that they are even homeowners in the first place. For renters, I don’t think utilities will go up so much like you are anticipating. Look at the actual

27 years later...

Would they just go ahead and do this with Majel Roddenberry’s voice already so we can have the damn star trek computer as our digital assistant? Geez!

Bariatric surgery is not a “cure” for Diabetes. At best, it’s a hacky workaround. I hate solutions like this because they don’t get to the cause of the disease, and bypass surgery is instead an attempt try to outsmart human biology by mutilation your gut and normal digestive processes because arrogant humans think

I got a Zero on the first try, even on the hard test

“This Robot Dog Movie Is Transformers CHAPPIE Meets Lassie” 

This is why I go with Win10 LTSB. No Cortana, No Store, No Edge.

“Eating sticks of butter could be bad for your heart health, even if you don’t swallow it (I think).”

Is this a bad time to point out that Microcenter has the Ryzen 7 1700x $10 cheaper at $289.99?

Is this a bad time to point out that Microcenter has the Ryzen 7 1700x $10 cheaper at $289.99?

you don’t NEED to purchase anything if you don’t want. I have a Z play (droid) edition and it wasn’t even a flagship, yet it’s a great phone. The speaker is louder than my HTC 10's “boomsound,” the Camera does alright, the battery life on it was FANTASTIC. I haven’t bought a single mod for this thing yet and I

This is JUST NOW becoming a thing? I saw this coming eight years ago...

this is SUPER obvious to me. by the time Christmas 2016 came around, Nintendo had already discontinued the WiiU and 3DS. You go into a retail store and NO Nintendo consoles. So what do you do? Toss this thing out as a stopgap for the holiday season.

I like how this just glosses over the fact that processed/refined sugar is absent from their diet, then attacks low carb diet as a “fad” diet. Fad simply means it’s trendy, but doesn’t paint it in a positive light. Low carb works because the science behind it is solid

Screen protectors aren’t permanent... sometimes they get worn out or scratched, and you may opt to replace them. Hence the market for a robot that does a boss job at it.

It’s broken on Amazon’s site

It’s broken on Amazon’s site

This article is pure trash. Seriously... and you are weak minded sheeple for writing it.

Likely someone had their Note 7 plugged in and charging in the cockpit

Apple Boardroom earlier this week...
Executive: “Can we make our iPhone7+ batteries explode too?”
Tech: “Ummm, that’s not really a ‘feature’ per se.”
Executive: “But Samsung is doing it.”