
This tug idea makes the most sense, since the idea of the Millenium Falcon as a cargo ship is sort of ridiculous. Its shape and size mean it has similar carrying capacity to an 18-wheeler trailer. I have trouble believing there’s any economic sense in moving cargo between planets in units that small.

As much as I’ve appreciated the outpouring of appreciation for Gilbert, I feel everybody has overlooked, perhaps, of his greatest contributions: His elevation to an art form the voicing/playing a cartoon/CGI bird :

A great artist?  Funny take, that.

As a child of the 70s, I watched all of the Superfriends shows and liked them. But I HATED the Wonder Twins. Gimme their predecessors, Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog any day of the week.

What else do you inject into your chocolate fountain?

Willem Defoe on SNL? What’s he promoting — the release of Platoon on VHS?

OMG! I just googled her: Steffi DiDomenicantonio is both a real name and a real person! And she looks a bit like a young Liza Minelli.

I guess it’s good Flay’s a TV personality.  He certainly doesn’t seem like much of a chef.

I salute Slate and Fleischer-Camp. It takes some effort to get a movie deal out of a 10 year-old idea that was worth no more than five minutes of anyone’s attention.

My son attended Bard College at Simon’s Rock, the same college the Coen brothers attended. My son was told that his freshman dorm room had previously housed one of the Coen brothers, although I do not remember which one.

Since the runup to 2016, Trump has been referring to CNN as “fake news.” I think it’s understandable that the CNN staff may resent a guy who has not only fucked up the country but who impugned their professional integrity and them, personally. That resentment may come out a bit when covering the president.

Darn you, AV Club.  Now I’m $160 poorer!

I’m sure I’m overreacting, but it bothers me that the trailer’s theme song is Hole’s Celebrity Skin, covered by a band with a male lead singer. If the song had to be rerecorded for the movie, they could have at least selected a female singer. It’s a Hole song used in a movie ostensibly with themes of female

I’ve had similar poor service a number of times. I learned the easy solution: get up out of your chair and find the manager. Be polite, but explain the issue. It should be resolved quickly.

Of course, I may end up being wrong, but I cannot see American audiences having the slightest interest in this film or any understanding of it.

I uploaded your post, not only for its sentiment, but because you used the word ‘choads.’ I feel this term — especially in the era of Trump — is woefully underused.

One thing you overlooked in taking issue with the transformation of Kevin James from schlump to tough guy is that this change has worked once before.

On the plus side for Brooklyn 99, the main characters are nice cops getting through the day pleasantly, but the B99'ers are the only honest cops in their world.

Yeah, it was exactly as I expected, too.  No surprises there.

And it’s very good, too. I don’t know why it was unloved.